Nutrition science of food and the nutrients they contain Actions NFSC100 1 Ingestion 2 Digestion 3 Absorption 4 Transport 5 Metabolism 6 Excretion you are what you eat Nutrition and food directly effect the health of a human 1 Risk of diseases 2 Relationships between various diets supplements and specific health conditions and concludes with general recommendation for a healthy diets It uses the scientific method to uncover the unknown nutrition facts 1 Observation 2 Test hypothesis 3 Evaluate study results 4 Compare to original hypothesis Types of studies 1 Case individual studies 2 Epidemiological Studies 3 4 Laboratory studies Pre clinical Intervention clinical Why labeling 1 Tells you about food 2 Don t suggest what to eat 3 United states federal law allowed nutrition labels to be used All food labels need to contain 1 Serving size 2 Calerioes from fat per serving 3 of a daily fat b cholesterol c sodium d e protein total carbohydrate 4 of daily Vitamin A C calcium and iron 5 200 and 2500 calorie diet 5 10 20 daily values 5 low 10 19 good 20 high Lecture 2 Reduced calorie 25 or less calories compared to the regular food Low sodium means less then or to 140 mg sodium in a product 1 why should we eat a Physiological response b Hunger 2 Want to a Psycho social response b Appetite c Stress habit special occasions norms What causes hunger 1 Hypothalamus a Satiety center in the brain b Nerve signals in the body i Cortisol 1 From adrenal glads 2 Steroid 3 Signals to the brain to tell the body it is hungry 4 Does it through the production of insulin and glucose in the body ii Leptin 1 Produced from adipose tissue 2 Signals to the brain when we should stop eating 3 Leptin goes down which sends another signal and tells to start eating again iii Neuropeptide In high values it tells the body to eat 1 2 Can be inhibited by leptin c Composition of meals i Fiber and water are more filling to the body ii Stomach expansion signals fullness 2 Food availability a Natural environment i What kinds of products we have on the market produce more fruits and vegetables 1 Climate 2 Topography 3 Rainfall b Technology i Farming practices ii Food storage 1 Freezing 2 Refrigerate 3 Dehydration iii Food distribution 1 Roads 2 Transportation 3 Facilities iv Advertising v Food processing Influences on food availability 1 Economics 2 Population a Size b Structure Comfort foods a Chocolate b Cheese c Ice cream a Cash crops vs food family consumption some countries may only do cash crops because only one country may have one crop in which they sell to other countries who cannot grow it themselves Income can people afford to buy what they should eat b c Demand if the supply goes up the demand goes down and so on 1 What foods people eat in order to comfort themselves Ethnic heritage Weight Control Advertising Preventing disease 2 What people eat based on their ethnicity 3 Different types of products in which people eat in order to lose weight slim down 4 Famous people make a difference Taylor Swift Got milk a These release energy in the body a These are micronutrient they are needed in every function in the 5 Diabetes 6 Hypertension 7 Obesity 8 Heart disease 9 Stroke etc Classes of Nutrients 1 Proteins 2 Carbohydrates 3 Lipids fates 4 Vitamins 5 Minerals body 6 Water Milk example Has almost all nutrients a Even in skim 1 Protein a Casein 2 Carbohydrates a Lactose 3 Lipid 4 Vitamin 5 Mineral a A and D a Calcium 6 Water a 87 2 Proteins produce a 4kcal gram 3 carbs a 4kcal gram 4 fat 5 Alcohol a 9kcal gram a 7kcal gram Calories 1 amount of energy that is released once you burn it Heat that is release that increases the temperature by 1 degree Celsius a measured by bomb calorimeter 6 Vitamins Minerals and water do not provide energy Requirements for nutrients What else is in my food 1 Some food contain beneficial non nutrients called phytochemicals 2 State of nutritional health a Undernutrietion b Optimal nutrition c Over nutrition 3 What s the categories of a nutritious diet a Adequacy b Balance c Moderation d Variety e Calorie control Nutrient Density 1 Nutrient content kilocalorie content Obesity trends Measured by BMI 2 Tools for diet evaluation a DRI dietary refrence intake i Umbrella term 1 RDA recommended dietary allowance a Levels of nutrient intake adequate to meet needs of nearly all healthy people in the US b Set energy protein and many vitamins c Different RDAs for different age and and minerals gender d Also pregnant and lactating women e In order to set i Estimate need for group ii Add 30 50 to cover needs of all that group iii Add more for absorbption f For energy i Set at the average amount needed by a group ii LOOK AT KEEP IN MIND SLIDE 2 EAR estimated average requirement a Amount that meets the need of half of the individuals in a group 3 AI adequate Intake a Ex Calcium b Same as RDA but lackng enough scientific evidence to et RDA 4 UL upper limit ii b Dietary guidelines for Americans i Update every 5 years ii Purpose 1 Provide science based advice fro ages 2 2 Includes those at increased risk of chronic disease 1 Nutrition policy for policy makers nutrition educatiors and health professionals iii Target iv Whom v Concept 1 Joint products body weight 2 Limit screen time 1 Maintain what you eat physical activity and Increase physical activity and avoid inactivity vi vii COMMON SEENCE GUIDELINES ON SLIDES c MyPlate i Based on dietary guidelines to help consumers to make better food choices Lecture 3 Physiology 1 The cell a Basic unit of life i Nucleus 1 Control center 2 Contains DNA ii Mitochondrion 1 Powerplant 2 Supply ATP iii Golgi Complex 1 Packaging Center iv Ribosome 1 Protein synthesis 2 Free or ER v ER 1 Membranous channels a Smooth cholesterol synthesis and fat metabolism b Rough protein production 2 Lysosome a House keeper vi Membranous receptors that detects signals vii Cytoplasm 1 Proteins on outer surface or cell or nuclear membrane 1 Fluid and organelles between nucleus and outer membrane Isotonic saline sea water 2 2 Tissue a Epithelial b Connective c Muscular d Nervous 3 Organ systems a Integumentary system i Skin hair nails sweat glands ii Provides a covering and maintains temperature iii Also excretes salts and urea in perspiration b Skeletal i Bones joints ligaments and cartridge ii Provides support and protection c Muscular system i Skeletal muscles ii Move body iii High nutrient and energy requirement d Nervous System i Brain ii Spinal cord iii Nerves iv Sensory receptor 1
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