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Hawthorne studies Interviews do not support initial conclusions about positive effect of supportive supervision Money fear of unemployment managerial discipline and high quality raw materials were responsible for high output Theory x and y Theory X assumptions Theory Y pessimistic and negative typical of how managers traditionally perceived employees believed managers could accomplish more through others by viewing them as self energized committed responsible and creative beings Contingency Approach Using management concepts and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way Social capital The productive potential of strong trusting and cooperative relationships Positive Organizational Behavior POB the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured developed and effectively managed for performance improvement in today s workplace Corporate social responsibility CSR means that corporations have obligations beyond shareholders and beyond the bounds of law or contract challenges businesses to go above and beyond just making a profit to serve the interests and needs of stakeholders including past and present employees customers suppliers and the countries and communities in which the facilities are located Level 1 Make a profit consistent with expectations for international businesses to fulfill economic responsibility Level 2 Obey the law of host countries as well as international law to fulfill legal responsibility Level 3 Be ethical in its practices taking host country and global standards into consideration to fulfill ethical responsibility Level 4 Be a good corporate citizen especially as defined by the host expectations to fulfill philanthropic responsibility country s Developing a global mindset Intellectual capital Psychological capital Social capital Organizational culture Ethnocentrism set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to its various environments belief that one s native country culture language and behavior are superior to all others Research Insight and Dealing with Ethnocentrism A survey of companies in Europe Japan and the U S found ethnocentric staffing and human resource policies to be associated with increased personnel problems Those problems included recruiting difficulties high turnover rates and lawsuits over personnel policies GLOBE Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe understand and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes Nine Basic Cultural Dimensions from the GLOBE Project Power distance society Uncertainty avoidance limit unpredictability Institutional collectivism How much unequal distribution of power should there be in organizations and How much should people rely on social norms and rules to avoid uncertainty and How much should leaders encourage and reward loyalty to the social unit as opposed to the pursuit of individual goals In group collectivism organization How much pride and loyalty should individuals have for their family or How much effort should be put into minimizing gender discrimination and role inequalities How confrontational and dominant should individuals be in social How much should people delay gratification by planning and saving Gender egalitarianism Assertiveness relationships Future orientation for the future Performance orientation excellence Humane orientation How much should individuals be rewarded for improvement and How much should society encourage and reward people for being kind fair friendly and generous GLOBE and the Hofstede Study Power distance Individualism collectivism Masculinity femininity How much inequality does someone expect in social situations How loosely or closely is the person socially bonded Does the person embrace stereotypically competitive performance oriented masculine traits or nurturing relationship oriented feminine traits How strongly does the person desire highly structured situations Uncertainty avoidance Kelley s Model of Attribution Behavior can be attributed either to Internal factors within a person such as ability or to External behavior within the environment such as a difficult task Consensus Distinctiveness Consistency involves a comparison of an individual s behavior with that of his peers involves comparing a person s behavior on one task with the behavior from other tasks Perceptual error determined by judging if the individual s performance on a given task is consistent over time Halo a rater forms an overall impression about an object and then uses that impression to bias ratings about the object Leniency a personal characteristic that leads to an individual to consistently evaluate other people or objects in an extremely positive fashion Central tendency the tendency to avoid all extreme judgments and rate people and objects as average or neutral Recency effects the tendency to remember recent information If the recent information is negative the person or object is evaluated negatively Contrast effects the tendency to evaluate people or objects by comparing them with characteristics or recently observed people or objects Types of memory Event memory Semantic memory Person memory information about both specific and general events general knowledge about the world mental dictionary of concepts information about a single individual or groups of people Causal Attributions Big Five Traits suspected or inferred causes of behavior Extraversion outgoing talkative sociable assertive Agreeableness trusting good natured cooperative softhearted Conscientiousness dependable responsible achievement oriented persistent Emotional stability relaxed secure unworried Openness to experience intellectual imaginative curious broad minded https www youtube com watch v b9D6k3T2sbE Locus of Control Internal locus of control External locus of control People who believe they control the events and consequences that affect their lives those who believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control Cognitive dissonance psychological discomfort a person experiences what his or her attitudes or beliefs are incompatible with his or her behavior How people reduce dissonance 1 Change your

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FSU MAN 3240 - Hawthorne studies

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Exam 1

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 5

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 2

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Test 1

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Exam 2

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Test 2

Test 2

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Exam 1

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

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