MAN 3240 Midterm Study Guide Hawthorn Studies The essence of the Hawthorne studies was to manipulate a variety of workplace factors and measure the effects on worker performance o Interviews do not support initial conclusions about positive effect of supportive supervision o Money fear of unemployment managerial discipline and high quality raw materials were responsible for high output Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregor Theory X o Pessimistic and negative typical of how managers traditionally perceived employees Assumptions Most people dislike work they avoid it when they can Most people must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work People require close direction when they are working Most people actually prefer to be directed They tend to avoid responsibility and exhibit little ambition They are interested only in security Theory Y o Believed managers could accomplish more through others by viewing them as self energized committed responsible and creative beings Assumptions Work is a natural activity like play or rest People are capable of self direction and self control if they are committed to objectives People generally become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so They typical employee can learn to accept and seek responsibility The typical member of the general population has imagination ingenuity and creativity Contingency approach to management Using management concepts and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way Encourages managers to view organizational behavior within a situational The productive potential of strong trusting and cooperative relationships context Social capital o o Internal o External Membership in company softball team Organizational culture Attending conference to meet people at other companies Page 1 of 10 Set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to its various environments o Layers Observable Artifacts consist of the physical manifestation of an organization s culture Acronyms manner of dress awards myths and stories published lists of values observable rituals and ceremonies special parking spaces and decorations Espoused Values Basic Assumptions represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization Enacted Values constitute organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior represent the values and norms that actually are exhibited or converted into employee behavior Based on observable behavior Organizational Culture types Clan Culture family o Has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control o Encourages collaboration between employees Adhocracy Culture o Has an external focus and values flexibility o Fosters the creation of innovative products and services by being adaptable creative and fast to respond to changes in the market place Market Culture sales product development o Has a strong external focus and value stability and control o Driven by competition and a strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals Hierarchy Culture technology development o Has an internal focus which produces a more formalized and structured work environment and values stability and control over flexibility o Leads to the development of reliable internal processes extensive measurement and the implementation of a variety of control mechanisms Global mindset requirements Competencies needed to develop a global mind set o Intellectual Capital Knowledge of international business and ability to learn characterized by global business savvy cognitive complexity and cosmopolitan outlook o Psychological Capital Page 2 of 10 Openness to other cultures and willingness to change characterized by passion for diversity thirst for adventure and self assurance Ability to form connections and bring people together characterized by intercultural empathy interpersonal impact and diplomacy o Social Capital How culture is learned Phase 1 Anticipatory Socialization o Occurs before an individual joins an organization o Involves the information people learn about different careers occupations professions and organizations Phase 2 Encounter o Employees learn what the organization is really like and reconcile unmet expectations o Onboarding programs help employees to integrate assimilate and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies procedures and culture and by clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities Phase 3 Change and Acquisition o Requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work groups values and norms Belief that one s native country culture language and behavior are superior to Ethnocentrism all others o A survey of companies in Europe Japan and the US found ethnocentric staffing and human resource policies to be associated with increased personnel problems o Those problems included recruiting difficulties high turnover rates and lawsuits over personnel policies GLOBE project Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe understand and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes o Nine Basic Cultural Dimensions Power distance Uncertainty avoidance how much unequal distribution of power should there be in organizations and society how much should people rely on social norms and rules to avoid uncertainty and limit unpredictability Institutional collectivism reward loyalty to the social unit as opposed to the pursuit of individual goals In Group collectivism individuals have for their family or organization minimizing gender discrimination and role inequalities how much pride and loyalty should how much effort should be put into how much should leaders encourage and Gender egalitarianism Page 3 of 10 Assertiveness Future orientation how much should people delay gratification by how confrontational and dominant should individuals be in social relationships planning and saving for the future for improvement and excellence reward people for being kind fair friendly and generous how much should society encourage and how much should individuals be rewarded Performance orientation Humane orientation
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