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MAN3240 Organizational Behavior Final Exam Study Hints Multiple choice questions are worth 2 points each There are 73 MC questions on the exam You will earn 4 points for writing your full name of the test packet and for filling in your full name last name first on the Scantron form Ch 9 Formal group group formed by a manager to help the organization accomplish its goals Tuckman s Group Development Process Stage1 Forming Group members tend to be uncertain and anxious about their roles the people in charge and the groups goals Mutual trust is low Stage2 Storming Time of testing Individuals try to determine how they fit into the power structure Procrastination may occur Stage3 Norming Questions about authority and power are resolved through unemotional matter or fact group discussion Stage4 Performing Activity focused on solving task problems Climate of open communication strong cooperation and lots of helping behavior Stage5 Adjourning Work is done Time to move on to other things Page 1 of 11 Team Building catchall term for a host of techniques aimed at improving the internal functioning of work groups Workshops strive for greater cooperation better communication and less dysfunctional conflict Self Managed Teams groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for task domains Administrative oversight involves delegated activities such as planning scheduling monitoring and staffing In group traits Have a positive effect on productivity and positive effect on specific attitudes relating to self management No significant effect on general attitudes and no significant effect on absenteeism or turnover Ch 10 Rational Model of Decision Making One of the most commonly used methods of decision making in the work place Proposes that managers use a logical four step approach to decision making Breaks down decision making process 1 gathering info 2 managers can struggle during this stage if they are in a hurry Encouraged to slow down when making decisions Bounded Rationality Optimizing Represents the notion that decision makers are bounded or restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions Constraints include personal characteristics things you do not notice characteristics at work that prevent you from making decisions Satisficing Since optimizing is not realistic we use satisficing which is a solution that is good enough A solution that meets minimum qualifications Garbage Can Model of Decision Making decision making is sloppy and haphazard Decisions result from complex interaction of four independent streams of events problems solutions participants and choice opportunities Implications 1 More pronounced in industries that relies on science based innovations 2 Many decisions are made overnight 3 Political motives frequently influence decision makers 4 Important decisions are more likely to be solved Perception Biases Page 2 of 11 Judgment Heuristics Rules of thumb or shortcuts that people use to reduce information processing demands Decision making styles Availability heuristic tendency to base decisions on info readily available in memory Representativeness heuristic tendency to assess the likelihood of an event occurring based on impressions about similar occurrences Confirmation bias Two components 1 Subconsciously decide something before investigating why it is the right decision 2 Seek info that supports our points of view and to disconnect info that does not Anchoring bias occurs when decision makers are influenced by the first info received about a decision even if it is irrelevant Overconfidence bias relates to our tendency to be overconfident about estimates or forecasts Hindsight bias occurs when knowledge or an outcome influences out belief about the probability that we could have predicted the outcome earlier Framing bias relates to the manner in which a question is posed Escalation of commitment bias refers to the tendency to stick to an ineffective course of action when it is unlikely that the bad situation can be reversed Evidence based Decision Making represents a process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when makes managerial decisions Ch 11 Conflict process in which one party perceives its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party Personality conflict Interpersonal opposition driven by personal dislike or disagreement Do not let the person know you do not like them Managers and Intergroup conflict conflict among work groups teams and departments These are conflicts between groups or with group members and outsiders not conflicts within one group Managers should identify and root out specific negative linkages between groups Page 3 of 11 Devil s Advocacy assigning someone the role of critic It is a programming functional conflict Alternative Dispute Resolution Types Facilitation A third party usually a manager informally urges disputing parties to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive manner Conciliation A neutral third party informally acts as a communication conduit between disputing parties Peer review A panel of trustworthy coworkers selected for their ability to remain objective hears both sides of a dispute in an informal and confidential meeting Ombudsman Someone who works for the organization and is widely respected and trusted by her or her coworkers hears grievances on a confidential basis and attempts to arranges a solution Mediation The mediator a trained third party neutral actively guides the disputing parties in exploring innovative solutions to the conflict Arbitration Disputing parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of a neutral arbitrator in a formal court like setting often complete with evidence and witnesses Functional vs Dysfunctional conflict Functional conflict characterized by consultative interactions a focus on the issues mutual respect and useful give and take AKA constructive conflict Dysfunctional conflict threatens organizations interests Peoples disagreements are so severe it can harm the organization Ch 12 Page 4 of 11 Communication The exchange of info between a sender and receiver and the inference perception of meaning between the individuals involved Communication noise Interference with the transmission and understanding of a message Communication Barriers Personal barriers any individual attribute that hinders communication 1 Variable skills in communicating effectively 2 Variations in how info is processed and interpreted

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FSU MAN 3240 - Final Exam

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