MAN3240 Organizational Behavior Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 9 15 Multiple choice questions are worth 2 points each There are 50 MC questions on the exam Review the following to be prepared for this portion of the test Ch 9 Formal group Formed by a manager to help the organization accomplish its goals Tuckman s Group Development Process Five stages Stage 1 Forming ice breaking stage conflict among group is beneficial Mutual trust is low Stage 2 Storming Time of testing Individuals test the leader s policies as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure Subgroups take place and subtle forms of rebellion such as procrastination occur Stage 3 Norming Experiencing group cohesiveness which is defined as the we feeling that binds members of a group together Stage 4 Performing Activity focused on solving task problems Climate of open Stage 5 Adjourning Work is done Time to move on to other things communication strong cooperation and lots of helping behavior Team Roles a role is a set of expected behaviors for a particular position and a group role is a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole Team Building catchall term for a host of techniques aimed at improving the internal functioning of work groups Self Managed Teams groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains Ch 10 Rational Model of Decision Making proposes that managers use a rational four step sequence when making decisions Optimizing provided the best possible solution Satisficing choosing a solution that meets some minimum qualifications one that is good enough Garbage Can Model of Decision Making decisions result from a complex interaction between four independent streams of events problems solutions participants and choice opportunities Perception Biases psychological tendency to lose objectivity in perception of people and situations Judgment Heuristics represents rules of thumb or shortcuts that people use to reduce information processing demands Evidence based Decision Making represents a process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when making managerial decisions Ch 11 Conflict process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party Personality conflict interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike and or disagreement Managers and Intergroup conflict conflict among work groups teams and departments Managers who understand mechanics of intergroup conflict are better equipped to face this sort of challenge Devil s Advocacy assigning someone to a role of critic Name comes from the Roman Catholic Church Alternative Dispute Resolution according to a pair of Canadian labor lawyers it uses faster more user friendly methods of dispute resolution instead of traditional adversarial approaches such as unilateral decision making or litigation Page 1 of 6 Ch 12 Communication the exchange of information between a sender and receiver and the inference perception of meaning between the individuals involved Communication noise interference with the transmission and understanding of a message Personal Barriers any individual attribute that hinders communication Jargon represents language or terminology that is specific to a particular profession group or company Communication styles Assertive style expressive and self enhancing but does not take advantage of others Aggressive style expressive and self enhancing but takes unfair advantage of others Nonassertive style timid and self denying behavior Email as communication reduces cost of distributing information and makes long distance communication easier but tone of voice sarcasm and mood are harder to accurately portray Not necessarily confidential can be distracting Ch 13 Influence tactics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rational persuasion Inspirational appeals Consultation Ingratiation Personal appeals Exchange Coalition tactics Pressure Legitimating tactics Power bases reward obtaining compliance by promising or granting rewards referent obtaining compliance through threatened or actual punishment coercive obtaining compliance through formal authority expert obtaining compliance through one s knowledge or information legitimate obtaining compliance through formal authority Open Book Management when a manager is transparent and communicates with the employee all that is going on Sources of Organizational Uncertainty 1 2 3 4 5 Unclear objectives Vague performance measures Ill defined decision processes Strong individual or group competition Any type of change Impression management any attempt to control or manipulate the images related to a person organization or ideas Page 2 of 6 Ch 14 Leadership Prototype mental representations of the traits and behaviors possessed by leaders Traits of Bad Leaders Incompetent Rigid Intemperate Callous Corrupt Insular Evil Differences between men and women in leadership Men and women were seen as displaying more task and social leadership respectively Women used a more democratic or participative style than men and men used a more autocratic and directive style than women Task vs Relationship Oriented Leadership Task path goal and transactional leadership leader s job is to make people get their task done more punitive Relationship transformational and servant leadership leader is actively working to create a strong bond with employee in order to encourage the employee to do the right things Path goal theory describes how leadership effectiveness is influenced by the interaction between four leadership styles directive supportive participative and achievement oriented Situational Leadership Theory there is no single best style of leadership effective leadership is task relevant and the most successful leaders are those that adapt their leadership to the situation Laissez faire leadership Laissez faire leadership also known as Delegative leadership is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands off and allow group members to make the decisions Transactional leadership focuses on clarifying employees role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance Ch 15 Organization system of consciously coordinated activities or sources of two or more people Organizational structure organizational design the structures of accountability and responsibility used to develop and implement strategies and the human resource practices and information
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