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MAN3240 Midterm Exam Study Guide Hawthorn Studies pg 6 o The essence of the Hawthorne studies was to manipulate a variety of workplace factors and measure the effects on worker performance Interviews do not support initial conclusions about positive effect of supportive supervision Money fear of unemployment managerial discipline and high quality raw materials were responsible for high output Theory X pg 6 o Created by Douglas McGregor o Assumptions were pessimistic and negative typical of how managers traditionally perceived employees Theory Y pg 6 o Created by Douglas McGregor o A modern and positive set of assumptions about o He believed managers could accomplish more people at work through others by viewing them as committed and responsible Believed managers could accomplish more through others by viewing them as self energized committed responsible and creative beings Contingency approach to management pg 7 o Calls for using management concepts and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on the one best way o Encourages managers to view organizational behavior within a situational context Social capital pg 8 o The productive potential of strong trusting and cooperative relationships o Both employees and their employers invest in human and social capital with the intention of reaping future returns or benefits Organizational culture pg 32 o The set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives and reacts to its various environments First organizational culture is passed on to new employees Secondly organizational culture influences our behavior at work Thirdly organizational culture operates at different levels Shaped by 4 key components o Founders values o Business environment o National culture o Senior leaders Organizational Culture types pg 37 o Three different frameworks are used to capture the various types of organizational behavior but we only focus on the Competing Values Framework It provides a practical way for managers to understand measure and change organizational culture than stability and control o Clan Culture Has an internal focus and values flexibility rather Encourages collaboration between employees o Adhocracy Culture Has an external focus and values flexibility Fosters the creation of innovative produces and services by being adaptable creative and fast to respond to changes in the market place o Market Culture Has a strong external focus and value stability and Driven by competition and a strong desire to o Hierarchy Culture Has an internal focus which produces a more control deliver results and accomplish goals formalized and structured work environment and values stability and control over flexibility Leads to the development of reliable internal processes extensive measurement and the implementation of a variety of control mechanisms Global mindset requirements pg 59 o Competencies needed to develop a global mind set Intellectual Capital Knowledge of international business and ability to learn characterized by global business savvy cognitive complexity and cosmopolitan outlook Openness to other cultures Psychological Capital and willingness to change characterized by passion for diversity thirst for adventure and self assurance Ability to form connections and bring people together characterized by intercultural empathy interpersonal impact and diplomacy Social Capital How culture is learned pg 32 o Passed on to new employees through the process of o It is observed and learned by the actions of senior socialization leaders and the founders values Ethnocentrism pg 62 o The belief that one s native country culture language and modes of behavior are superior to all others has its roots in the dawn of civilization o Research shows that ethnocentrism is bad for business and affects managers as well as consumers GLOBE project pg 65 o Attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe understand and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes o 9 Basic Cultural Dimensions from Globe Project Power Distance Uncertainty avoidance Institutional collectivism In group collectivism gender egalitarianism assertiveness future orientation performance orientation and humane orientation Managerial implications of perception pg 90 o Interviewers make hiring decisions based on their impression of how an applicant fits the perceived requirements of a job and on the basis of implicit cognition or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness o Hiring Implicit cognition represents any thoughts o Performance Appraisals Important for managers to accurately identify the behavioral characteristics and results indicative of good performance Kelley s Model of Attribution pg 92 o Behavior can be attributed to either internal factors with that of his peers within a person ex ability or to external factors within the environment ex difficult task o Consensus involves a comparison of an individual s behavior o Distinctiveness involves comparing a person s behavior on one task with the behavior from other tasks o Consistency determined by judging if the individual s performance on a given task is consistent over time Perceptual errors page 88 o Halo A rater forms an overall impression about an object and then uses that impression to bias ratings about the object o Leniency A personal characteristic that leads an individual to consistently evaluate other people or objects in an extremely positive fashion o Central Tendency The tendency to avoid all extreme judgments and o Recency effects rate people and objects as average or neutral The tendencies to remember recent information if the recent information is negative the person or object is evaluated negatively o Contrasts effects The tendency to evaluate people or objects by comparing them with characteristics of recently observed people or objects Types of memory pg 89 about both specific and general events o Event Memory Composed of categories containing information o Semantic Memory General knowledge about the world o Person Memory Contains information about a single individual or groups of people Attribution theory pg 92 o Based on the premise that people attempt to infer o From the slides suspected or inferred causes of o We constantly formulate cause and effect causes for observed behaviors behavior

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FSU MAN 3240 - Hawthorn Studies

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