Man 3240 EXAM 2 STUDY GUIDE Social Skills 1 Know the differences between intrapersonal interpersonal logical and verbal forms of intelligence Interpersonal Skill Defined Social skills are those communication problem solving decision making self management and peer relations abilities that allow one to initiate and maintain positive social relationships with others 2 Why is possessing social skill so important these days Know the reasons Why is Social Skill Important 1 All jobs involve human interactions 2 Our society does not make much anymore we provide services lawyer sales teaching healthcare government 3 Positively influences stress 4 Career poop without help from others 5 Separation as we discussed 6 No social skill life Top Ten Sought After Attributes 1 Strong Interpersonal Skills 2 Strong Verbal Communication Skills 3 Strong Written Communication Skills 4 Flexible and Adaptable Can Do Attitude 5 Sound Academic Achievement 6 Self Motivated Self Starter 7 Team Player 8 Energy and Enthusiasm 9 Problem Solving Skills 10 Analytical and Conceptual Skills 3 What are soft skills defined Why are they important and why are they needed in today s organizations Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities habits attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with Companies value soft skills because research suggests and experience shows that they can be just as important an indicator of job performance as hard skills Today s service economy and the ascendance of work teams in large organizations puts a new premium on people skills and relationship building Portland based human resources expert Lori Kocon says And with business being done at an increasingly fast pace employers also want people who are agile adaptable and creative at solving problems 1 Strong Work Ethic 2 Positive Attitude 3 Good Communication Skills 4 Time Management Abilities 5 Problem Solving Skills 6 Acting as a Team Player 7 Self Confidence 8 Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism 9 Flexibility Adaptability 10 Working Well Under Pressure 4 According to the article why are people having difficulty with face to face discussion What are the facts regarding technology use and manners Researchers found sites which encourage limited character sentences are affecting peoples confidence in holding face to face conversations They re also blamed for many of us losing the ability to use body language to convey thoughts or feelings and a growing reluctance to chat to strangers Social networks may have become part of today s social fabric but they are putting paid to basic social skills 5 Identify and discuss the five social skills that are bring destroyed by technology 1 Eye Contact Too much of it is creepy but not enough is even creepier Being able to sustain eye contact well and know when it s appropriate is a vital social tool 2 Phone skills When I say phone skills I don t mean how fast you can text or Instagram a picture of that lovely cake you just baked I mean your ability to actually speak on the phone In initial professional phone conversations and emails it s important to introduce yourself and be as detailed yet concise as possible 3 Conversation The art of conversation is one skill many members of Gen Y lack Asking questions about others actively listening and being able to read other peoples physical social cues are all part of being a skilled conversationalist 4 Spatial Awareness We ve all seen her the girl at the grocery store 5 standing in the middle of the aisle forcing everyone to labor around her while she frantically texts or chats on her phone Well this kind of behavior can be irritating at the office as well Attention Span Short attention spans affect so many aspects of young people s everyday life From an inability to maintain jobs for extended periods of time to the inability to write congruent reports this hashtag culture we currently live in definitely has some downsides It s obvious when someone is bored either with their work in a meeting or in a dialogue Not being able to muster up some sustained interest and enthusiasm isn t going to win you a seat at the table 6 Understand what is meant by the Art of Small Talk The Art of Small Talk As you prepare for a function come up with three things to talk about as well as four generic questions that will get others talking If you ve met the host before try to remember things about her Be the first to say Hello If you re not sure the other person will remember you offer your name to ease the pressure Smile first and always shake hands when you meet someone Take your time during introductions Make an extra effort to remember names and use them frequently Listen Don t scan the room while engaged with someone Have a few exit lines ready so that you can both gracefully move on Watch your body language watch for clues Don t interrupt people Pleasant not the time to be a clown though 7 According to Kate Matsudaira why have social skills become more important in engineering positions Which skills are the most important As engineering organizations build systems using more and more third party frameworks libraries and services it s increasingly necessary for engineers to evaluate technologies not solely on their own merits but also as they fit into the existing enterprise ecosystem Most important Communication influence attitude time management etc 8 Understand what having high levels of emotional maturity can indicate in terms of leadership are aware of your own feelings and emotions and also realize your strengths and weaknesses are able to recognize when others need help but are also willing to seek help from others empathize with others understanding how they feel and how your actions or words affect them manage your work and personal relationships well and foster effective communication and collaboration can stay focused and motivated and persevere through challenges 9 Understand the communication behaviors of Americans Brits and Koreans kinda pointless article I just attached what was relevant Nowhere does it describe communication differences Only gives these examples sorry guys Compare the behaviour of Americans to that of the British who have mastered their own verbal pas de deux among strangers Deference and a quiet consideration for others are such a fundamental part of British life Bill Bryson writes in Notes from s Small Island that most conversations begin with I m terribly sorry but followed by a
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