MAN3240 Exam 2 Study Guide 1 In terms of difficulties in managing work and family life why have things changed in recent years American workers are under tremendous amounts of stress Now work and family life is combined In the 1950s life was predictable work and family were separate o Parents are still working while attending family events baseball games Society needs have changed we are now more interested in stuff Female participation in the workforce has increased It is harder to escape work Wants versus needs Technology has been developed to make lives easier Sandwich generation 2 Understand the trends as they are related to paid work housework and childcare for both husbands and wives from 1965 to 2011 1965 o Mothers 2011 o Mothers o Fathers 8 of time at work 32 of time on housework 10 of time on childcare 42 of time at work 4 of time on housework 2 5 of time on childcare o Fathers 21 of time at work 18 of time on housework 14 of time on child care 37 of time at work 10 of time on housework 7 of time on child care Mothers work more spend less time on housework and slightly more time on childcare Fathers spend slightly less time at work more time on housework and more time on childcare 3 What does the research say with respect to people feeling like they must do two jobs as a result of the recession feeling that the firm will view one as uncommitted if not connected with work and taking at least one work related call during vacation time 15 of people plan to take at least one work related call or Web meeting 40 feel they do the jobs of two people today because of the recession 24 fear they ll be seen as less committed to work if they don t connect during vacation during their time off 4 How did we describe the 9 5 job What one thing is needed to deal most successfully with work and family issues see Professor developed picture grams for both The 9 to 5 job is DEAD When you have a 9 5 schedule you can plan what needs to be done daily easily If you do not have a consistent schedule it makes things difficult and a bit of a challenge When you have stress and anxiety one thing more than anything else that will help CONTROL 5 What were discussed as ways that employees can better manage expectations and cut back on intrusions Communication is crucial People who manage expectations for after hours work are the ones who manage their boss at work Let your boss know you will work as hard as you can at work and if you need to be reached in an emergency outside of work you will be there Conversations with coworkers are important too Discuss Expectations Work with your manager to be clear about the policies covering off hours Share the load If you build good relationships with coworkers it will be easier to spot areas of overlap and share the burdens Ask for help prioritizing assignments Rethink your behavior publish policies on after hours coverage and practice self control 6 What are the impediments to being a good father Be able to identify the top and bottom three Top Three 1 Work Responsibilities 2 Media popular culture 3 Bottom Three 14 Women not child s mother 13 step children child 12 Financial Problems Male friends 7 What were the conclusions of the ASSOCHAM Social Development Foundation research regarding work and health When people are getting burned out it can change their attitudes for the worse Low productivity comes from being burned out and tired you are making more mistakes which leads to more work time because it is taking you longer to do things Stress causes health problems Personal relationships are being sacrificed when you work more 8 Physical and psychological effects associated with work family guilt included what What can be done to minimize them The physical and psychological effects associated with work family guilt include health problems such as backaches and headaches and work problems such as inability to concentrate or problem solve and less job satisfaction Things to minimize these are change what it means to have it all make a commitment to just hang out with your family or spouse and turn off your cell phone when you walk in your front door 9 In terms of dealing with biases in the workplace what are some of the attitudes to avoid with respect to one s job and childcare duties Employers shouldn t assume women s family duties will interfere with their ability to succeed at work Employers shouldn t assume that women who are caregivers are less capable or committed than other workers Employers cant legally assume men don t or shouldn t have significant caregiving duties Men shouldn t be treated worse than females with family duties and men shouldn t be denied family leave when women s requests are being granted 10 Describe parent over involvement Specifically what have been the reasons for the increase as well as positive and negative consequences Parent over involvement is when parents base their own self worth on their children s accomplishments It is when parents get too involved in a child s life to the point where it affects their own mental health and self worth A competitive frenzy over school success guilt over mothers working and growing parental distrust of schools and media as an influence on kids is the reason for increase Benefits parents spending more time with their kids Consequences the emotional bottom line isn t pretty overinvolved parents feel bad about themselves when their children don t do well looking for self worth in others fosters more intense and volatile emotions in general higher highs and lower lows 11 Be able to describe the four factors that drive millennial employees to be better appreciated Connect responsibility with personal goals Sense of greater good Personal relationships Build parallel careers 12 Discuss the research related to the tempered optimism for the next generation s standard of living All based on middle class adults expecting their children s standard o living compared with their own at the same age o Will be better 51 2008 43 2012 o Will be the same 21 2008 21 2012 o Will be worse 19 2008 26 2012 13 Have an understanding of the story of Narcissus Narcissus was the son of a god and was very handsome Many women fell in love with him but he turned them all away A nymph Echo loved Narcissus but Narcissus refused to accept her love Echo was so upset that she left and hid in a cave until there was nothing left of her except her voice The Maiden a goddess found out and was not happy with Narcissus so she made him
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