Chapter 14 1 Objective Time The time that we measure by the clock 2 Subjective Time The time we experience 3 Clock Time The at position when an event starts An example would be the movie starts at 7PM Objective 4 Running Time The overall length of a program An example would be the movie has a run time of 2 hours and 15 minutes Objective 5 Sequence Time A sub division of Running Time This is how long or called the Clock Time of a sequence A sequence could be a movie showing the childhood of the main character If you were to hit your stopwatch at the start of this and then stop it when the movie stops showing the childhood that would be your sequence time Objective 6 Scene Time A sub division of Sequence Time The clock time of a scene An action scene in a movie could be 15 minutes long Objective 7 Shot Time A sub division of Scene Time This is the clock time of one shot A shot could be an establishing shot or any one shot Objective 8 Story Time The fictional of developmental time If a movie shows the life of a person from his birth to his 94th birthday then the story time is 94 years Objective 9 Pace Refers to the perceived speed of the overall event This is if the event seems to drag on or go by quickly High intensity fast paced and so on Subjective 10 Tempo Refers to the perceived duration of the individual event not really used to measure subjective time Subjective 11 Rate Same as tempo not really used Subjective 12 Rhythm Refers to the flow within and among event segments and to a recognizable time structure or beat Rhythm is determined by transition between shots and scenes Quick cuts in a fast paced action movie help add to the rhythm of the scene Subjective 13 Primary Motion Also known as event motion Always occurs in front of the camera and are the on screen movements 14 Secondary Motion Camera motion Examples would be pans tilts dolly etc 15 Tertiary Motion Sequence motion This is the movement and the rhythm induced by shot changes by using techniques such as cuts wipes and fades 16 Cuts An instantaneous change from one image or shot to another A cut is not considered a transition since it is not visible 17 Jump Cut When a scene cuts to a new shot but the object is in a similar position from where it was previously The Youtuber SxePhil has a lot of these in his videos so if you want an example check him out 18 Dissolves A gradual transition from shot to shot in which the two images temporarily overlap and looks like one is disintegrating into the next The dissolve technique takes up its own screen time and space 19 Wipes In this transition the new shot seems to push the old shot out of the frame This is usually used to signal a switch in scene and time and acts to set up the next scene 20 Fades In this transition the picture can either fade in which is where it gradually appears or fade out which is where it gradually disappears to black 21 Digital Video Effects These are transition effects that are not your traditional kinds listed above and can get using editing software These can be any of the funky transitions we all know and love on powerpoint such as video flips and cross fades Chapter 15 1 Sound Has a purpose and is organized Sound corresponds to your film 2 Noise Random things you hear It does not really go with the video Background noise is called this for a reason 3 4 Types of Television Sound a Reflection of Reality serves as a communication factor Sound is what gives the TV s image authenticity The sound has to correspond with the picture b Low Definition Image Used to portray information and to provide closure to the viewer c Production restrictions It is hard to enhance sound recorded with a shot without it sounding fake Microphones also might pick up unwanted sounds like wind Also if the home stereo system is bad in a home the audio quality for the TV will be bad too d Audio Video Balance Audio needs to match up with video on a technical aspect If sound is low during a high intensity shot then something is wrong Also the larger the screen the louder and higher the quality needs to be 4 Film Sound Since films Movies have such stunning picture quality and are shown on big screens you can have the visual side make up for some of the audio You can show a wide shot of the mountains and have little sound and the visual picture will do most of the talking That being said the audio also needs to be as high a quality as the visuals 5 Non Literal Sound Sounds that are not intended to refer to a particular sound source or convoke any literal meaning Deliberately source disconnected like birds chirping in the distance 6 Nondiegetic Sound Same as Non Literal Sound and implies that the sound emanates outside of the story space 7 Functions of Sound a Information Function Sound is used to portray information verbally usually done through dialogue b Direct Address When the performer speaks directly to the viewer You see it all the time in The Office when Dwight of Michael are talking directly to the camera about an event c Narration Can be on screen or off screen but is usually off screen The narrator usually sets up the scene or movie and just gives information about what is going on or what is about to happen If you watched March of the Penguins then this is when you hear Morgan Freeman s sweet voice talk about penguins 8 Outer Orientation Function a Space Specific sounds can help reveal and define the location of an event If you hear the sounds of an amusement park you know that s where you are Also if a sound is faint off in the distance you know that the person on screen is far away from the item making that sound i Environment use the faint sound in the distance example ii Off Screen Space use the amusement park example b Time Sounds can help the viewer know what time it is Sounds can let you know it is morning time like and alarm clock and also that it is night time like a hooting owl c Predictive Sound This is sound that can foreshadow an event For example If the scene is of a party with loud music and conversation then the music changes to a song that would signal something bad d Letimotiv leading motif This is a short musical phrase that portends an event Like in the movie Jaws the trademark soundtrack would signal that a shark attack was coming e External Condition Sound can indicate if something is big or small smooth or rough high or low etc 9 Inner Orientation …
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