MAN 3240 EXAM 2 Study Guide 1 In terms of difficulties managing work and family life why have things changed in recent years a Society has changed we are more interested in stuff females in the workplace has increased harder to escape work wants versus needs technology makes lives easier sandwich generation 2 On average now women have more paid jobs now spend less time doing housework and more time with kids While fathers are working less and spending more time on the house and with the kids 3 15 plan to take atheist one work related call on vacation a 40 feel they do the jobs of two people because of the recession b 48 feel they must get more with less c 24 feel they ll be seen as uncommitted if they don t connect during time off ties and shoe d 5 admit they use conferencing tools to avoid wearing suits 4 5 What were ways that employees can better manage expectations and cutback on intrusions a Communication tell your boss you ll kill for him during your 40 50 hour work weeks but free time helps you clear your head b Discuss expectations if you respond to an email at 10 pm you might not have to overlap c Share the load get to know your colleagues and find areas of d Ask for help prioritizing assignments e BOSSES CAN publish policies about after hours coverage 6 What are the impediments to being a good father practice self control a Work responsibilities b Medial popular culture c Financial problems d Lack of knowledge e Childs mother 7 What were the conclusions of research regarding work and health a The survey Rising Trend of Working Mothers showed that 56 of working moms had unhealthy kids followed by 28 of part time moms and 16 of stay at home moms 8 Physical and Psych effects associated with work family guilt included what How do we minimize it cause home problems a Guilt causes health problems which cause work problems which b To minimize it change what it means to have it all spend more time with your family turn your cell phone off when you get home 9 In terms of dealing with biases in the workplace what are some attitudes to avoid with respect to ones job and childcare duties a Employers shouldn t assume women s family duties will interfere with work making them less committed employers also cant assume men don t have caregiver duties men shouldn t be denied family leave Describe parent over involvement a He cites a competitive frenzy over school success growing parental distrust of schools and media influence on kids b Benefit is parents spend more time with kids Emotional bottom line for parents isn t pretty Describe four factors that drive millennial employees to be 10 11 better appreciated a Want their actions to connect with the good of the company b Need to see how their actions make a difference c Need flexibility to get their job done on their schedule d Connect responsibility with personal goals i you can save this project ii You made a difference today iii let us know what you need to feel challenged 12 Discuss the research related to the tempered optimism for the next generations standard of living a Now more feel that it will be worse than they did in 2008 and 13 not as many feel it will be better than in 2008 Have an understanding of the story of Narcissus a He was a the son of a god and he was very very handsome Women loved him but he turned them away One woman that loved him was named Echo and she could only repeat what was said to her so she couldn t say she loved him One day walking in the woulds narcissus was lost and echo tried to hug him he said no she was pissed so she hid in a cave until there was nothing left of her but her voice The Maiden a goddess found about this she got pissed and made narcissus fall in love with himself one day staring at his reflection in a pond he stayed their staring at himself till he died When he died a flower grew called narcissus 14 Major findings of the mirror mirror on my bosses wall article a Employees with limited enactment behavior would be adversely addected in high supervisor narcissism settings Work frustration and tension increased and resource availability and job performance decreased Understand the major differences in the bucking the 15 stereotype discussion of millenials a Millenials think they are people savy loyal to their employer and hard working But they don t think they are very tech savy or fun loving b HR Professionals think the opposite on all facets What are the major similarities and differences among 16 millennials and those in other generations Why are millenials the way they are a They are labeled as self centered and greedy but they are influenced by Society and the way they were raised 17 18 b Struggle with delayed gratification because of their parents c Materialism is the most visible manifestation of entitlement d Older people think they re lazy e Every generation has had their stuff the 60 s were rebellious 70 s did drugs 80 s were materialistic What factors have led to an increase in helicopter parenting a Feelings of guilt that parents may have short changed their kids b Children have become an emblem of parents success What will things be like when Millennials run the workplace a Technology will create greater work flexibility b Feedback will be shorter more frequent and informal c Millennial women will lead d They will use their technology to make the world better for boomers e They will respond to leadership 19 We have talked about bosses leaders Why are supervisors important a They personify the organization b Responsible for allocating awards and dispensing punishment c They have input on promotions d In charge of information sharing 20 How did abusive supervision affect employees depressed mood exhaustion and work generated conflict at home a Twice as likely to suffer from depressed mood at work b Exhaustion levels were reported 33 higher c 50 more work generated home conflict d 25 higher levels of negative emotions e 33 more work related sleep disorders 21 When faced with a bad boss how did employees respond in terms of neglecting their jobs a Spending more time on personal matters than work b Taking additional or longer breaks than supposed to c Intentionally working slower In terms of managing and being managed what last bit of wisdom was offered a do unto others as you would have them done unto you What are the factors that have caused leaders to be less effective than in the past a Boss doesn t have the best tools haven t been trained how to manage b We teach them
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