Chapter 13 Coercive power fear of the negative Reward power comply bc of positive benefits Personal power comes from a person s unique characteristics Legit power formal authority o Expert influence as a result of expertise o Referent admiration of another and a desire to be like them Personal power sources are most effective coercive can backfire Dependency increases when the resource you control is important scarce and nonsubstitutable Power influence tactics o Legitimacy o Rational persuasion effective on all levels o Inspirational appeals effective best as downward influence o Consultation effective o Exchange o Personal appeals o Ingratiation o Pressure tends to backfire and is least effective o Coalitions Organizational politics focus on the use of power to affect decision making in Political behavior activities that are not required as part of a person s formal an org role Politicking people in orgs will use whatever influence they can to taint the facts to support their goals and interests Factors contributing to political behavior o Individual Those who are self monitor possess an internal locus of control and have a high need for power are more likely to engage in political behavior o Org factors Certain situations and cultures Promotion decisions The less trust in an org Perceptions of org politics are negatively related to job satisfaction also tends to increase job anxiety and stress Impression management IM process by which people attempt to control the impression others form of them o Conformity o Favors o Excuses o Apologies o Self promotion o Enhancement o Flattery o Exemplification Chapter 15 Org structure defines how job tasks are formally divided grouped and coordinated jobs Work specialization to what degree are activities subdivided into separate Departmentalization on what basis will jobs be grouped together Chain of command to whom do people report Span of control how many ppl can a manager efficiently manage Centralization and de where does decision making authority lie Formalization degree of rules to direct employees and managers Authority rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed Unity of command helps preserve the concept of an unbroken line of authority Simple structure low degree of departmentalization wide spans of control authority centralized in a single person little formalization Matrix structure combines functional and product o Functional putting like specialists together Difficulty of coordinating tasks on time o Product depart coordination among specialties Virtual org modular small core org that outsources major business functions highly centralized o Adv allows people with innovative and little money to compete Boundaryless org GE chairman Jack welch eliminate all barriers and chain of command limitless spans of control Strategies for downsizing o Participation o Investment o Communication o Assistance Innovation strategy organic achieve unique innovations apple Cost min strategy mechanistic tight control over cuts prices in selling a basic product Wal Mart Imitation strategy combines both minimize risk and max opp for profit Environment dimensions o Capacity degree to support growth o Volatility degree of instability o Complexity degree of heterogeneity Chapter 16 Organizational culture characteristics o Innovation and risk taking o Attention to detail o Outcome orientation o People o Team o Aggressiveness o Stability Cultures functions o Boundary defining role o Conveys a sense of identity o Culture facilitates generation of commitment o Enhances the stability of social system o A sense making and control mechanism Culture as a liability o Institutionalization o Barriers to change o Barriers to diversity o Barriers to acquisitions or mergers Culture creation occurs in 3 ways It takes on a life of its own apart from its founders or members o Founders hire and keep only employees who think and feel the same o They indoctrinate and socialize these employees to their way of way they do thinking and feeling o Founders own behavior encourages employees to identify with them Sustaining a culture o Selection practices goal is to identify and hire ppl with abilities to perform successfully o Top management est norms that filter thru org o Socialization process to help new employees adapt to culture Prearrival Encounter Metamorphosis Major bundles of socialization o Institutional o Individual Culture is transmitted through o Stories o Rituals repetitive activities that reinforce key values of the org o Material symbols jets size of offices perks o Language Create more ethical culture o Be a visible role model o Communicate ethical expectations o Provide ethical training o Visibly reward ethical acts and punish bad o Provide protective mechanisms Cultural characteristics in spiritual orgs o Strong sense of purpose o Trust and respect o Humanistic work practices o Toleration of employee expression Chapter 18 Forces for change o Nature of workforce o Technology o Economic shocks o Competition o Social trends o World politics o Individual Security Selective info processing Habit Economic factors Fear of the unknown o Org Limited focus of change Group inertia Threat to expertise Structural inertia est power relationships o education and communication o participation o building support and commitment o develop positive relationships o implement changes fairly o manipulation and cooptation o selecting ppl who accept change tactics to help change agents with resistance to change Change agent manage change activities and see a future for the org that others haven t seen Sources of resistance to change o coercion kurt lewin three step model for a successful change o unfreezing the status quo driving forces increase direct behavior away from quo restraining forces decrease hinder movement away from equilibrium action research change process based on systematic collection of data and selection of a change action based on what the data indicate o movement o refreezing o diagnosis o analysis o feedback o action o evaluation o two benefits o respect for people o trust and support o power equalization o confrontation o participation its problem focused it reduces resistance to change organizational development OD change methods that try to improve org effectiveness and employee well being sensitivity training training groups that seek to change behavior thru unstructured group interaction process consultation PC an
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