MAN3240 Test 4 Study Guide Chapter 14 Lecture 10 Definition of Power Power the capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with A s wishes can exist and not be used it is a function of dependency B s relationship to A when A possesses something that B requires the more dependent B is the more power A is think of in terms of a dating relationship ex you want a college degree need a certain course your professor is the only one who teaches it he has power over you has something you desire your alternatives are limited you value a passing grade Contrasting Leadership and Power leaders USE power to attain group goals goal compatibility power doesn t require it only requires dependence leadership requires it to an extent direction of influence leadership focuses on downward influence of followers minimizes importance of lateral and upward power is opposite Research emphasis leadership research focuses on style gone beyond just the individual as exerciser of power Bases of Power 2 major groups 1 formal power based on an individual s position in an organization can come from ability to coerce reward or from formal authority a coercive power a power dependent on fear one reacts out of fear of negative consequences focuses on physical sanctions like pain frustration or controlling of physiological safety needs i A has coercive power over B if they can dismiss demote suspend B s job or assign unpleasant activities or embarrass B if B values his job b Reward power opposite of coercive compliance based on ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable i Rewards can be financial pay raise rates bonuses or non financial recognition promotions interesting work assignments good work shifts they are counterparts Remove something positive add something negative coercive remove something negative add something positive reward c Legitimate Power the power a person receives as result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization i Broader than coercive and rewards ii Ex when principals bank presidents or army captains speak lower positions listen 2 Personal Power comes from an individual s unique characteristics a Expert Power influence based on special skills or knowledge i Has become one of most powerful sources of influence since world is becoming more technologically based b Referent Power influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits i Ex if I like respect and admire you you can exercise power over me because I want to please you ii Explains why we are more likely to buy shoes Lebron endorses Research suggests PERSONAL power is most effective positively related to satisfaction with many things where as formal power does not correlate Coercive power negatively related to satisfaction Dependency The Key to Power Inversely proportional to the alternatives Increased when the resource you control is important scarce and not substitutable IMPORTANCE if no one wants what you have it will not create dependency SCARCITY if something s plentiful possession of it won t create dependency o Ex if you work in an industry where supply of skills is low amongst others you have more power and can ask for higher wages etc NONSUBSTITUTABILITY the fewer viable substitutes for a resource the more power the control over that resource provides Power Tactics ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions 1 Legitimacy relying on ones own authority position or stressing policy 2 rational persuasion logical arguments factual evidence 3 inspirational appeals developing emotional commitment by appealing to values hopes etc 4 consultation increasing motivation by involving target in goals plans 5 exchange rewarding target with benefits favors in exchange for request 6 personal appeals asking based on friendship or loyalty 7 ingratiation flattery praise friendly behavior prior 8 pressure using warnings demands threats 9 coalitions enlisting aid of other people to persuade target most effective 2 3 4 least effective pressure can use more than one at same time rational persuasion effective ACROSS org levels see chart on page 7 should begin with softer tactics that rely on personal power Power in Groups Coalitions Coalition an informal group bound together by the active pursuit of a single issue logic strength in numbers Successful coalitions fluid membership form swiftly achieve disappear Higher the task and resource interdependence more coalitions formed More routine the task more coalitions formed Sexual Harassment Unequal Power in the Workplace Sexual Harassment any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an individual s employment and creates a hostile work environment Can be VERY costly disagreement on what exactly it is men women differ Ex supervisors holding power over people can lead to harassment Managers being unaware does NOT protect their organization Politics Power in Action When employees convert power into action they are engaging in politics Political behavior activities that are not required as part of ones formal role in the organization but that influence or attempt to influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization Legitimate political behavior normal everyday politics ex complaining to your supervisor or bypassing the chain of command Illegitimate political behavior extreme behavior that violates implied rules of the game play hardball ex sabotage whistleblowing symbolic protests Most politics are LEGITIMATE behaviors Possibly yet UNLIKELY for politics not to exist because resources are scarce and gains by one party are perceived as at expense of another party Main cause facts to allocate resources are up for interpretation when the facts DON T speak for themselves politics arise 13 2 on pg 3 of lecture politicking when people use influence to taint facts to support their interests Not all groups organizations are equally political 2 main factors o Individual exhibit 13 3 pg 4 high self monitor internal locus high need for power mach personality more likely to engage in politics o Organizational more valid reason than less trust more illegitimate politics promotions one of most political actions higher role ambiguity the more one can engage in politics without it being visible more emphasized zero sum more politicking Outcomes of politics tend to be NEGATIVE exhibit 13 4 pg 4 Politics performance relationship moderated by
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