Chapter 6 Motivation Motivation is an INDIVIDUAL MECHANISM is the integrative model Motivation A set of energetic forces that originate within and outside an employee that initiates work related effort and determines its direction intensity and persistence EX What do you do How hard do you do it How long do you do it Several Theories of Motivation These theories attempt to summarize key factors that foster HIGH Motivation EXPECTANCY THEORY 1 Expectancy Theory Motivation is fostered when the employee believes in THREE things A The effort will result in PERFORMANCE B That PERFORMANCE will result in OUTCOMES C That those OUTCOMES will be VALUABLE EX Students motivation for this course The most motivated students have a confidence that if they try hard they can do well on assignments expectancy They also see a clear linkage between doing well on assignments and earning a good grade instrumentality Finally they see a lot of value in good grades valence EXPECTANCY Effort affects Performance Performance can be hindered by a Lack of Necessary Resources b Lack of Supportive Leadership c Low Self Efficacy Self Efficacy is the measure of one s own competence to complete tasks and reach goals This shows the flow of actions that affect an employees self efficacy PAST ACCOMPLISHMENTS VICARIOUS EXPERIENCE VERBAL PERSUASION and EMOTIONAL CUES all affect an employees ANALYSIS OF TASK REQUIREMENTS and their ASSESSMENT OF PERSONAL SITUATIONAL RESOURCES In turn an employees analysis of task requirements and their assessment of personal and situational resources will ultimately determine ones SELF EFFICACY INSTRUMENTALITY 2 Instrumentality Performance affects Outcomes Outcomes can be hindered by a Poor methods for MEASURING performance as instrumentality could actually be written as Performance Evaluation Outcome b INADEQUATE BUDGET to provide outcomes even though performance is high c Use of policies that REWARD things beside performance such as ATTENDANCE or AUTHORITY d TIME DELAYS in dolling out rewards VALENCE 3 Valence as used in psychology especially in discussing emotions means the intrinsic attractiveness positive valence or aversiveness negative valence of an event object or situation Extrinsic External Motivation Motivation from the outside Described as a PULL Extrinsic Outcomes PAY BONUSES PROMOTIONS BENEFITS AND PERKS SPOT REWARDS PRAISE JOB SECURITY FREE TIME LACK OF DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS LACK OF DEMOTIONS LACK OF TERMINATIONS Intrinsic Internal Motivation Motivation from inside Described as a PUSH Intrinsic Outcomes ENJOYMENT INTERESTINGNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT KNOWLEDGE GAIN SKILL DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL EXPRESSION LACK OF BOREDOM LACK OF ANXIETY LACK OF FRUSTRATION Motivation will be increased if the outcome that students attach to doing well is not just a good grade but also a sense of accomplishment knowledge gain skill development and so forth Pay has such a high Valence because of it represents ACHIEVEMENT RESPECT and FREEDOM Motivation E P x P O x V Key Aspect Multiplicative Effects If Expectancy Instrumentality or Valence 0 then Motivation will 0 Sometimes expressed as Motivation E P x Greed Is Greed Good On the one hand greed motivates and triggers innovation On the other hand greed is selfish discourages altruism and breeds counterproductive behavior The takeaway is often that greed is present in organizations and can be a motivator if properly channeled That channeling provides a good segue to Goal Setting Theory If incentives are tied to goal achievement goals can be used channel greed GOAL SETTING THEORY Goal Setting Theory Motivation is fostered when employees are given SPECIFIC and DIFFICULT goals rather than no goals do your best goals or easy goals This graph shows that a when the goal is more difficult the higher task performance will be However when a goal is impossible task performance will begin to decline b Intensity and Persistence is Maximized when the goal is rated at the border of difficult and impossible Task strategies is an important element of the theory It s the working smarter to the working harder represented in the two effort components Sometimes working harder isn t enough to meet a specific and difficult goal employees realize they must also change how they work EQUITY THEORY Equity Theory Motivation is maximized when an employees ratio of outcomes to inputs matches those of the comparison other Thus Motivation also depends on the outcomes A by other employees received B Here You would feel ANGER You can restore equity by shrinking your inputs by reducing motivation or by increasing your outcomes by increasing counterproductive behavior C Here you feel GUILT You can restore equity by increasing your inputs through increased motivation In reality though people often just readjust the way they conceptualize their inputs to seem bigger Psychological Empowerment An intrinsic form of motivation derived from the beliefs that ones work tasks are contributing to some larger purpose Fostered By 4 Beliefs 1 Meaningfulness 2 Self Determination 3 Competence 4 Impact Why are some employees more motivated than others Because they have more expectancy instrumentality and valence because they are given specific and difficult goals or because they feel a sense of equity and empowerment An Overview of Motivation Best Practices Enterprise Rent A Car Chapter 7 Trust Justice and Ethics Trust Just and Ethics are part of INDIVIDUAL MECHANISM in the integrative model Trust The willingness to be vulnerable to authority based on positive expectations about the authority s actions and intentions Trust Willing to be vulnerable Risk Actually becoming Vulnerable This graph represents the different types of Trust that combine to make up an employees overall trust Disposition Based Trust Trust Propensity A general expectation that the words promises and statements on an individual and groups can be relied upon Cognition Based Trust Characteristics of trustees that inspire trust 1 Ability 2 Benevolence 3 Integrity For subordinates Integrity is more important than Ability and Ability more important than Benevolence for their superiors For supervisors Ability is more important Affect Based Trust This graph is a step graph that represents the relationships an employee will have based on the categories of trust Most of an employees new relationships will begin early with the company because of Disposition based Trust During the middle of your career with an employee is where most of your
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