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RTV3001 Spring 2012 place in class Final Exam Review Checklist The exam is based on the textbook lectures and discussions taken NOTE THIS LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO COVER ALL THE MATERIAL DISCUSSED THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER DO NOT forget to look at the example videos in each lecture Chapter 10 Basic Z axis structure z axis the axis in the coordinating system that defines depth Also the imaginary line that extends from the camera lens to the horizon contains foreground middleground and background o Volume duality the interplay between positive and negative volumes Any articulation of negative space by positive space modulators o Z axis articulation to place the positive volumes along the z axis to help the camera distinguish among the depth planes o Z axis blocking Arranging the event people things along the z axis or in close proximity to it Volume duality o Volume duality is the dynamic changing of relationship between negative and positive volumes o Positive volume Objects that have substance and can be touched and weighed Objects with a certain amount of mass o Negative volume Empty space that surrounds or is described by positive volumes A definite empty space such as the inside of a room that is articulated by positive volumes such as the walls cloudless sky Blocking along the z axis o Proper blocking along the z axis minimizes camera movement and emphasizes object and people motion not camera motion Volume and volume duality o When negative volume outweighs the positive volume we experience a sense of mobility lightness and openness Dominant volume o Confine movement feeling restricted boxed in stuff small places with many things RTV3001 Spring 2012 o Dominant negative volume when a space feels open free and unrestricted spacious vast think of the television show LOST o Overly dominant negative volume can make us feel isolated or uncomfortable Depth of field the factors that can impact o Depth of Field Range of distance over which objects in a picture will remain in critical focus o Shallow where there is not a long range of objects in focus and Impacted by o Great where there is a long range of objects in focus o Aperture o Focal Length the distance between the optical center of lens to the plane foreground middleground background where the image is focused or the target controlled by zoom of camera Wide angle lens distortion o A wide angle lens short focal length zoomed out exaggerates size relationships o A wide angle lens stretches the z axis o Exaggerate size relationships an object close to the camera appears much larger than a similarly object placed just a short z axis distance away o Size difference as z axis distance increases Narrow angle lens distortion o A narrow angle lens long focal length zoomed in reduces negative space and crowds objects o It shortens the z axis o Crowding of objects through a narrow angle lens RTV3001 Spring 2012 o Causes mass elements of visual pollution o Rob of individuality o Condensation of items o Danger situations closeness of cars assault o Long focal length crowed effect Special effects Second order space o Graphication the process of inserting letters and lines or secondary frames on a television scene o TEXT using text to reinstate a message o Second order space When a secondary frame is placed over the news anchor s shoulder there are two types of screen space Regular primary space defined by the television screen s borders Secondary space defined as the space of the digitally created secondary frame within the television screen Chapter 11 Visualization and storyboarding o Visualization mentally seeing a key image or images in a sequence and ideally hearing how it sounds o Storyboard a series of sketches of the key visualization points of an event with the corresponding audio information given below each visualization shown in their proper sequence RTV3001 Spring 2012 Looking at looking into and creating an event o Looking at at an event report an event that way it is Think about someone who OBJECTIVELY observes an event You just REPORT Done mainly for event CLARIFICATION o Looking into an event you are scrutinizing the event as closely as possible to look behind what is obvious Looking at the essence of what has been shown o Communicate to the viewer what it would be otherwise overlooked o Creating an event that you are using the technical devices and potentials of the medium to build a unique screen event that depends entirely on the medium POV and subjective camera o Point of View camera s simulating the index vector of a particular person or persons on the screen o It can mean a certain character s perspective POV looking up and looking down Looking down can give the subject a feeling of dominance power or authority Looking up subjects may appear subordinate or powerless POV objective viewpoint to subjective point of view you can indicate what the person is thinking about or noticing by what you show over the shoulder cross shooting POV subjective camera The camera is a participant in an event characters POV RTV3001 Spring 2012 o Subjective Camera the camera participates in the event The camera assumes the role of a person Deductive and inductive shot sequences o Deductive visual approach Moving from an overview to event detail general to specific o Inductive shot sequences Moving from event detail to a general overview specific to general Field of view o How far away or close we show an object or person on screen o Extreme long shot ELS Long shot LS Medium shot MS Close up CU Extreme close up ECU Over the shoulder shooting and cross shooting o Over the shoulder shooting Camera looks over the shoulder of the camera near person at the camera far person o The reverse angle over the shoulder shot must keep the subjects in their original screen positions o Cross shooting Virtually the same as over the shoulder but a tighter shot o We do not see the other person in the shot o Enables us to shoot different parts of a conversation separately Angles and then edit them together o Shifting a camera s viewpoint edited For continuity A scene shot out of sequence must be For multiple viewpoints This helps the viewer see an object or event from various positions which provides a more complete understanding of the screen event For event intensification can be used to intensify an event or reveal the underlying feelings of a particular situation For style setting style can be communicated by using different types of

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FSU RTV 3001 - Final Exam

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