STUDY GUIDE FOR MAN 3240 EXAMINATION 3 Created by Dr Atira Charles Note This is to be used as a support material during your studying process CHAPTER 8 Leadership 1 Definition of Leadership a The process of providing general direction and influencing individuals or groups to achieve goals b Strategic Leadership i Involves developing a vision empowering associates building relationships and building and maintaining a high involvement high performance workforce 2 Trait theory of leadership and the 6 core traits a Theory b Core Traits i Physical characteristics such as height and appearance ii Personality characteristics such as self esteem and dominance iii Abilities such as intelligence and verbal fluency iv Criticized because the methodology used to identify traits was poor list of traits associated with leadership grew so large it became meaningless the results of the research were inconsistent and no leadership trait was found to relate consistently to unit or organizational performance and different situations seemed to require different traits i Drive Ambition persistence tenacity initiative ii Leadership motivation Desire to lead influence others assume responsibility and gain power two types socialized power motive personalized power motive Integrity Truthfulness honesty maintain consistency between what they say and what they do iv Self confidence Confident in their actions and show that confidence to others learn iii from their mistakes react positively to stress even tempered display appropriate emotions v Cognitive ability High degree of intelligence process complex information deal with changing environments vi Knowledge of the domain Knowledge of business in which they are engaged make better decisions anticipate future problems understand implications of their actions 3 Charismatic Leadership a Charismatic leaders inspire their followers to change their needs and values follow visionary quests and sacrifice their own personal interests for the good of the cause 4 University of Michigan Studies Job centered vs Employee centered a Job centered leadership style a behavioral leadership style that emphasizes employee tasks and the methods used to accomplish them b Employee centered leadership style a behavioral leadership style that emphasizes employees personal needs and development of interpersonal relationships 5 Ohio State Studies Consideration vs Initiating Structures a Consideration b Initiating structure i Leaders express friendship ii Develop mutual trust and respect iii Strong interpersonal relationships with staff i Well defined patterns of organization and communication ii Define procedures iii Delineate relationships with staff iv Emphasize goals and deadlines v Assign tasks and identify performance expectations 6 Fiedler s Contingency Theory of Leadership Leader and Situational Characteristics a Contingency theory a theory of leadership that suggests the effectiveness of a leader depends on the interaction of his or her style of behavior with certain characteristics of the situation b Leader member relations the degree to which a leader is respected is accepted as a leader and c Task structure the degree to which tasks can be broken down into easily understood steps or d Position power the degree to which a leader can reward punish promote or demote individuals had friendly interpersonal relations parts in the unit or organization 7 Path Goal Leadership Theory Leader Behaviors Work Environment Characteristics and Subordinate Characteristics a Path goal leadership theory a theory of leadership based on expectancy concepts from the study of motivation which suggests that leader effectiveness depends on the degree to which a leader enhances the performance expectancies and valences of his or her employees b Leader Behaviors i Directive Leadership Leadership behavior characterized by implementing guidelines providing information on what is expected setting definite performance standards ensuring individuals follow rules ii Supportive Leadership Leadership behavior characterized by friendliness and concern for individuals well being welfare and needs iii Achievement Oriented Leadership Leadership behavior characterized by setting challenging goals and seeking to improve performance iv Participative Leadership Leadership behavior characterized by sharing information consulting with those who are led and emphasizing group decision making c Situational Factors i Subordinate Characteristics Needs Locus of control Experience Ability ii Work Environment Characteristics Task structure Interpersonal relations in the group Role conflict Role clarity 8 Transactional Leadership Contingent Reward and Active Management by Exception a Definitions i A leadership approach that is based on the exchange relationship between followers and leaders It is characterized by contingent behavior and active management by exception behavior It is the degree to which leaders provide what followers want in response to good performance ii b Contingent Reward Behavior i Clarify performance expectations ii Reward followers when expectations are met c Active Management by Exception Behavior i Clarifies minimal performance standards ii Punishes when standards are not met 9 Transformational Leadership Charisma Intellectual Stimulation and Individual Consideration a Definitions i A leadership approach that involves motivating followers to do more than expected to continuously develop and grow to increase self confidence and to place the interests of the unit or organization before their own Involves charisma intellectual stimulation and individual consideration ii b These leaders do 3 things i Increase followers awareness of the importance of pursuing a vision or mission and the strategy required ii Encourage followers to place the interests of the unit organization or larger collective before their own personal interests iii Raise followers aspirations so they continuously try to develop and improve themselves while striving for higher levels of accomplishment c Charismatic Leaders Increase the followers focus on problems and develop new ways to solve them i Support and develop followers to improve self confidence and a desire to improve Inspire emotion and passion in followers i ii Get followers to identify with the leader iii Display confidence iv Communicate and live up to organizational values v Optimistic and enthusiastic d Intellectual Stimulation i ii Reexamine assumptions iii Seek out
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