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Campaigns Elections Media Political Parties Interest Groups 1 501 c 3 groups Nonprofit group that may legally address political matters but may not lobby or campaign donations are tax deductible 2 501 c 4 group Nonprofit group that is permitted to lobby and campaign Donations to it are not tax deductible 3 527 Organizations 4 Adversarial Press 5 Background Organizations created under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code that raise and spend money to advance political causes Tendency of the national media to be suspicious of public officials and eager to reveal unflattering information about themselves A public official s statement to a reporter given on the condition the official not be named but the title of the official Senior White House Aide etc can be used 6 Blanket Open Primary Primary election in which each voter may vote for candidates from both parties 7 Closed Primary 8 Coattails Effect 9 Congressional Campaign Committee 10 Constituents 11 Dealigning Election A primary election in which voting is limited to already registered party members Tendency of candidates to win more votes in an election because of a well known politicians at the top of the ticket A party committee in Congress that provides funds and campaign support to members and possible members up for election The Democratic one is the DCCC the Republican one is the Republican National Campaign Committee the RNCC The citizens an elected official represents A House member has fewer constituents than the President An election where voters who usually support a specific party no longer support that party They dealign themselves from a previous party 12 Deep Background Statement from a public official where neither the person s name title or workplace can be used 13 Democratic Coalition African Americans Jews Mexicans Puerto Ricans Union Members 14 Equal Time Rule An FCC rule that if a broadcaster sells time to one candidate it must sell time to another candidate 15 Feature Stories Heavily promoted stories about events not regularly covered by media outlets Often controversial or intriguing 16 General Election An election held to choose which candidates will hold office 17 Gerrymandering Drawing the boundaries of representative districts in bizarre or unusual shapes to substantially favor one party over another 18 Gotcha Question A journalist s question to a politician that seemingly seeks to embarass the politician 19 Hard Money Money raised directly by specific candidates and spent by those candidates 20 Ideological Interest Groups Political organizations that attract members by appealing to their political convictions or principles 21 Incentive Something of value one cannot get without joining an organization 22 Incumbent The person already holding elected office 23 Independent Expenditures 24 Insider Stories Spending by PACs corporations or labor unions that is done to help a party or candidate but is done independently of them and without communication with them Stories about events not usually made public that have some sort of inside information or quot behind the scenes quot material 25 Interest Group An organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy 26 Loaded Language Words that imply a value judgment used to persuade a reader without having made a serious argument 27 Malapportionment Drawing the boundaries of representative districts so they are unequal in population 28 Material Incentive Money or things valued in monetary terms 29 Narrowcasting When a specifically identified audience is targeted by a news source 30 National Chairman Day to day party manager elected by a party s national committee Delegates who run party affairs between national conventions 31 32 National Committee National Convention 33 National delegates A meeting of party delegates from the states held every four years Party representatives who attend national conventions and are much more politically active wealthy and engaged than the average American 34 National Rifle Association 35 Open primary 36 Party Caucus National interest group focused on overturning restrictions on gun ownership and preventing gun control bills from being passed Primary election where voters choose what party ballot they want when they walk into the polling place A meeting of party members to select delegates backing one or another primary candidate 37 Party Column Ballot Where candidates for office are listed in a party list Makes it easier to vote for every party candidate in a general election 38 Personal Following When a politician or candidate has followers based on personal 39 Plurality System popularity or charisma in addition to or instead of party label Electoral syste in which the winner is the one who gets the most votes but not necessarily the majority of votes Example If Bill gets 25 of the vote but Steve Jim and Tim each get 24 9 of the vote Bill wins with only 25 of the vote 40 Political Action Committee A committee set up by a politician labor union corporation or interest group that spends campaign money from voluntary donations 41 Political Cue A signal telling a politician what values are at stake in a vote Also something that tips a voter off on how they should vote 42 Political Machine A party organization that recruits members by dispensing patronage jobs 43 Political Party 44 Position Issue A group that seeks to nominate and elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label An issue about which the public is divided and rival candidates or political parties choose different positions Examples Abortion Death Penalty 45 Primary Election An election where you choose which candidates will be placed on a ballot 46 Prospective Voting Voting for a candidate because you favor what he she wants to do in the future 47 Rank and File Supporters Political party supporters who are non elite and are dependable as voters 48 Rating When an interest group issues a ruling on a candidate based on the ideological goals of the interest group 49 50 Realigning Election Retrospective Voting An election where a bloc of voters who did not support a specific party before suddenly support a party Voting for someone based on their past actions 51 Revolving Door When former politicans leave and immediately go to work for an interest group to use their experience and contacts to further that group 52 Routine Stories Average everyday stories about standard events regularly covered by

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FSU RTV 3001 - Campaigns, Elections, Media, Political Parties, Interest

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Test 2

Test 2

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Test 2

Test 2

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Lecture 1

Lecture 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

14 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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Lecture 1

Lecture 1

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Test 2

Test 2

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Test 2

Test 2

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