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NFSC100 Study Guide 3 Questions To Ponder Part 3 Growth and Maturation 1 Which nutrients are important to growing children and why What are the sources of these nutrients a b Iron need iron fortified foods at first when initial iron supply runs out risk for anemia when not eating iron fortified foods females need more iron during menstruation often lacking in their diet calcium and vitamin D important for bones most bone mass is laid down during teenage years vitamin D recommendations recently went up for all age groups Iron clams spinach enriched cereal navy beans beef steak calcium milk sardines tofu turnip greens cheddar cheese vitamin D sunlight seafood fortified milk 2 What is the fiber recommendation for children a Children who are picky eaters should not have a high fiber diet because it can 3 What percentage of a child s diet should come from fat at age 2 After age 2 displace calories a Ages 1 3 30 40 b Ages 4 18 25 35 4 What are food jags Are they of concern How are parents advised to deal with them foods a Food jags are when a child consistently eats one food for a while b They are not of concern unless the child develops neophobia scared of other c Let the child out grow this phase and constantly introduce new foods 5 When do boys experience growth spurt Girls a 12 and peaks at 14 slowing down at 19 b 10 and peaks at 12 6 What are the nutritional issues of concern for children and adolescents a Childhood obesity fruit and vegetable intake empty calories breakfast and learning hyperactivity and eating disorders 7 Why is childhood obesity concerning What are the causes How can a child or teen be assisted in losing weight disease a Childhood obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes hypertension and heart b Caused by increase soft drink consumption decrease in milk consumption and decrease in physical activity c Providing a well balanced diet no extreme calorie food restriction making it a family project don t make them feel bad engage in physical activity as a family involve them in shopping cooking 8 Why is breakfast important to learning a Breakfast is the most important meal of the day jump starts metabolism and gives the child energy needed to learn 9 How is nutrition related to hyperactivity

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UMD NFSC 100 - Study Guide 3

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