Questions to Ponder Exam 1 The Science of Nutrition 1 What is the definition of nutrition the study of the nutrients in foods and the body also the human behaviors related to food 2 Why is nutrition classified as a science classified as a science because uses the scientific method to uncover unknown nutrition facts 3 What are the four types of study designs that we discussed What are the strengths and limitations of each What type of study is considered the gold standard in terms of proving cause and effect a Epidemiological Study Observational study Done on large number of people Just studying what s happening and not intervening Can only prove correlation Starting point is to find more information Use a smaller group of people so the conditions can be made more specific and extreme to find more important results b Intervention Study Change an aspect of the environment and see what the results are Take something away from a person and see the outcome Double Blinding both the participants and the researchers don t know who is taking what therefore there is no biasness SHOWS CAUSE AND EFFECT People can lie and say they re eating something or not eating something lie Cant control all the variables c Case Study Looks at one case but cant pin point a specific idea Shows some cases that could be related d Lab Study controlled Can show cause and effect in animals See how something can occur or not occur because a study can be In this we question DOES IT APPLY TO HUMANS Can do things on animals but not on humans Find information that we could not find out on humans Food Choices and Human Health 1 What is the difference between hunger and appetite hunger is the physiological response that we have to eat eating because we need to eat to live appetite is the psycho social stress habitat special occasions social norms that we want to eat eating because were in the setting or in the moment of needing food to satisfy something else 2 What are some mechanisms that the body has to regulate hunger hypothalamus satiety center in the brain processes nerve signals throughout the body hormones brain chemicals CORTISOL from adrenal glands stress hormone LEPTIN from adipose fat tissue NEUROPEPTIDE Y from hypothalamus 3 What factors affect our appetite composition of meals dietary consumption and what society creates as a meal or thinks is a serving 4 Describe the four influences on food availability Natural environment Climate Topography of land Rainfall Technology Farming practices Food storage freezing refrigeration dehydration Food distribution roads transportation facilities advertising Food processing Economics Cash crops vs food for family Consumption Demand Population Size Demand 1 Protein 2 Carbohydrates 3 Lipids 5 What are the six classes of nutrients 6 How many calories per gram are there in carbohydrates fat and protein Which is the most concentrated source of calories 4 Vitamins 5 Minerals 6 Water 1 Carbohydrates 4 cal g 2 Fat 9 cal g 3 Protein 4 cal g 7 If you consumed a meal containing 100 grams of carbohydrate 25 grams of fat and 15 grams of protein how many calories did you consume 4 100 400 cals 25 9 225 cals 15 4 60 cals 400 225 50 675 cals 8 It is recommended that no more than 35 of your calories come from fat If your calorie needs at 2200 kcal day how many grams of fat should you consume 35 100 2200 9 What is the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients Which nutrients are micronutrients and which are macronutrients Micronutrients required by humans in small quantities but which humans cannot produce Macronutrients classes of chemical compounds humans consume in the largest quantities and which provide the bulk amount of energy Minerals Vitamins Protein Fats Carbohydrates 10 What are phytochemicals the color compound in foods provide beneficial non nutrients won t die without them found in different color foods 11 What are the characteristics of a nutritious diet adequacy balance moderation variety and calorie control 12 What is meant by the term nutrient density having a high nutrient content with low a low kilocalorie content Guidelines 1 What are the three tools for dietary guidance produced by the US government What is the purpose of each Dietary Guidelines for Americans New terminology of SoFAS Nutrient density Fresh produce Calorie control and physical activity Enable people to eat vegetables and foods they need Food Guide Pyramid Recommends daily intake for an individual through o Avtiviy o Moderation o Personalization o Variety o Gradual improvement o Discretionary calories DRI s Dietary Reference Intake Nutrient intake and diet consumption set by USDA and DHHS revised every 5 years Avoidance of chronic disease Doesn t provide a meal pattern Developing more consumer education tools to go with guidelines 2 What is the recommended macronutrient breakdown of the diet Fat 20 25 f kcal 10 saturated fat Carbohydrates 45 65 of kcal Proteins 10 35 of kcal 3 How much sodium should one consume each day How much cholesterol less than 300 mf of cholesterol less than 2300 mg o sodium a day 4 What does the term SoFAS refer to What percentage of our calories should come from SoFAS SOLID FAT AND ADDED SUGAR 20 25 of kcal 5 What are some topics that are emphasized in the newest revision of the Dietary Guidelines more towards a plant based diet low fat high fiber dairy and whole grains emphasis on home cooking new nutrition and physical activity programs in school food industry will need to help America reach these goals 6 How does the Food Guide Pyramid represent the concepts of adequacy moderation personalization proportionality variety and gradual improvement gives the amount a person should eat and divides up the good groups into categories of the recommended similar foods 7 What are discretionary calories the extra calories a person has that they can choose to eat with what they want 8 Give examples of serving sizes for three foods in each of the Food Guide Pyramid categories Grains 6 ounces 1 slice of bread I ounce of ready to go cereal 1 2 cup of cooked cereal Fruits 2 cups Dairy 3 cups 1 medium apple banana or orange 1 cup of milk or yogurt 9 What is the difference between a serving and a portion serving a unit of measure portion amount of food actually served of consumed 10 Define the following terms DRI RDA EAL UL AI DRI Dietary Reference Intake recommended intakes of specific nutrients to prevent deficiencies or chronic diseases RDA Recommended Daily Averages levels
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