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The Study of Nutrition 1 What is the definition of nutrition The study of nutrients in foods and the body also the human behaviors related to foods 2 Why is nutrition classified as a science Nutrition is classified as a science because it uses the scientific method new test findings must be repeated and results must stand the test of time Nutrition also pulls in a lot of other sciences 3 What are the four types of study designs that we discussed What are the strengths and limit ations of each What type of study is considered the gold standard in terms of proving cause and effect Epidemiological Study observational studies of large populations that can reveal correlations The downside of this is that you are not controlling anything Case studies study of individuals a researcher can observe treatments and their apparent effects Laboratory Studies studies that are performed under tightly controlled conditions and are designed to pinpoint causes and effects Only study which can use animals Intervention Studies studies of populations in which observation is accompanied by experimental manipulation of some population members there is a controlled group Gold Standard because they are the best at proving cause and effect Food Choices and Human Health 1 What is the difference between hunger and appetite Hunger means you have to eat and appetite means you want to eat Hunger is a physiological response while Appetite is a psychosocial response 2 What are some mechanisms that the body has to regulate hunger Hypothalamus which is the satiety center in the brain that processes nerve signals throughout the body Hormones brain chemicals such as cortisol from adrenal glands stress hormone leptin from adipose fat tissue and Neropeptide from the hypothalamus in your brain Also the composition of meals can make you more hungry water and fiber expand stomach 3 What factors affect our appetite Stress habit social occasions and society norms 4 Describe the four influences on food availability Every Person Takes Nutrition Natural Environment climate rainfall topography Technology food storage farming practices food distribution advertising and food processing Population size and structure Economics cash crops vs food for family income and demand 5 What are the six classes of nutrients Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids fats Vitamins Minerals Water CHO 400 FAT 225 PRO 60 770 9 Adequacy Calorie Control Moderation Variety Balance 6 How many calories per gram are there in carbohydrates fat and protein Which is the most concentrated source of calories CHO 4kcal g FAT 9kcal g most concentrated PRO 4kcal g 7 If you consumed a meal containing 100 grams of carbohydrate 25 grams of fat and 15 grams of protein how many calories did you consume 8 It is recommended that no more than 35 of your calories come from fat If your calorie needs at 2200 kcal day how many grams of fat should you consume 9 What is the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients Which nutrients are micronutrients and which are macronutrients Micronutrients contain no energy and are measured in milligrams Vitamins Minerals they are needed throughout life in small quantities Macronutrients are measured in grams and are PRO CHO FAT and are needed everyday to survive 10 What are phytochemicals Beneficial non nutrient things in plant derived foods 11 What are the characteristics of a nutritious diet 12 What is meant by the term nutrient density Nutrient content kilocalorie content Guidelines 1 What are the three tools for diet evaluation produced by the US government What is the purpose of each DRI umbrella term used for RDA EAR AI and TUL Dietary Reference Intake Recommended intake of specific nutrients to prevent deficiency and disease Food guide pyramid focus is activity moderation personalization proportionality variety gradual improvement and discretionary calories Dietary guidelines General goals for nutrient intake diet composition helps avoid disease done every 5 years make smart choices from every food group find balance between food and physical activity and get the most nutrition out of calories 2 What is the recommended macronutrient breakdown of the diet FAT 20 35 of kcal less than 10 saturated fat less than 300mg cholesterol CHO 45 65 of kcal PRO 10 35 of kcal 3 How much sodium should one consume each day How much cholesterol less than 300mg cholesterol sodium less than 2300 mg 1tsp per day 4 How does the food guide pyramid represent the concepts of adequacy moderation personalization proportionality variety and gradual improvement AMPPGV all men protect pretty virgin girls Activity the steps and the person climbing them as a reminder to do physical activity Moderation the narrowing of each food group from bottom to top The base has foods with little or no solid fats that are better for you and the top has foods with more added sugars and solid fats Personalization the person on the steps the slogan and the URL Proportionality shown by the different widths of the food group widths show how much food a person should chose from each floor Variety symbolized by the 6 color bands representing the 5 food groups of the pyramid and oils foods from all groups are needed for good health Gradual Improvement the slogan suggests that people could benefit from taking small steps to improve their diet and lifestyle each day 5 What are discretionary calories Your extra calories that are built into the intake day 6 Give examples of serving sizes for three foods in each of the Food Guide Pyramid categories Grains slice of bread cup rice pasta Vegtables Fruits Milk Meat 1 cup potato 1 cup broccoli 1 cup tomato 1 medium apple banana or orange 1 cup milk 1 cup yogurt 1oz natural cheese 1 egg 1 oz of cooked lean meat 1 oz of fish 7 What is the difference between a serving and a portion Serving a unit of measure Portion an amount of food actually served or consumed 8 Define the following terms DRI RDA EAR UL AI DRI umbrella term used for RDA EAR AI and TUL Dietary Reference Intake Recommended intake of specific nutrients to prevent deficiency and disease RDA amount of nutrients that meet the need of 97 5 of the American population recommended dietary allowances if you get about 2 3 on a daily basis your fine EAR average need of population estimated average requirement for energy the EAR RDA we don t want people to get too much AI adequate intake same as RDA basically but there isn t enough scientific evidence to prove it ex Calcium because it is so

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UMD NFSC 100 - The Study of Nutrition

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