The Science of Nutrition 02 18 2013 1 What is the definition of nutrition The study of the nutrients in the foods and the body Nutrients components of food that are required for the body s basic functioning throughout the life cycle 2 Why is nutrition classified as a science 3 What are the study designs that we discussed What are the strengths and limitations of each What type of study is considered the gold standard in terms of proving cause and effect Case studies individuals Cohort studies a group of people Epidemiological Studies populations studying correlation Intervention Studies clinical trials o GOLDEN STANDARD Laboratory Studies Food Labeling 02 18 2013 1 What information must be included on the label of all packaged foods Calories fat cholesterol sodium and fiber Vitamins A C Minerals calcium and iron 2 In what order are the ingredients listed on food labels In descending order of weight 3 What information is found on the Nutrition Facts Panel Serving size Limit these nutrients top part total fat cholesterol sodium Get enough of these nutrients bottom part vitamin A vitamin C calcium iron Guide to of daily value 4 If the Nutrition Facts Panel on a box of macaroni and cheese states that there are 300 calories per serving of macaroni and cheese and that there are 3 servings in the package what is the total number of calories in the package 900 calories choices 2 000 calorie diet 5 What is the meaning of the Percent Daily Value listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel How can a consumer utilize this information to make better food Daily intake of a nutrient recommended for one day based on a Label says that Daily Value for total fat is 18 o Means that in one serving of that food you will get 18 of all the fat you need for one day 10 or less is low considered a poor source 10 19 is a good source 20 or more is high considered an excellent source Different depending upon whether the nutrient is beneficial or detrimental to health 6 What is the definition of the following nutrient content claims Fat free 0 5 gram of fat per serving Low fat Up to 3 grams of fat per serving Reduced fat At least 25 less of a nutrient or calories than a reference food o Our pretzels contain reduced fat than potato chips Low sodium less than or equal to 140 mg sodium per serving Sodium free less than or equal to 5 mg sodium per serving Low calorie Less than or equal to 40 calories per serving Calorie free Less than or equal to 5 calories per serving A good source 10 19 of daily value per serving 7 What are the three types of health claims allowed on food packages Nutrient Claims free low sodium o Fat free low fat reduced fat calorie free low calorie sodium Health Claims approved by FDA based on scientific evidence Structure Function Claims case by case o No need additional scientific evidence or FDA approval o But state that FDA has not evaluated the claim Example XX may help maintain normal cholesterol levels FDA has not evaluated the claim Food Choices Human Health 02 18 2013 1 What is the difference between hunger and appetite Hunger Appetite o Have to o Physiological response o Want to o Psycho social response o Stress habit special occasions social norms 2 What are some mechanisms that the body has to regulate hunger Hypothalamus o Regulate hunger by communicating between brain body o Regulate the release and uptake of chemicals o Satiety center in brain o Processes nerve signals from throughout the body Hypothalamic appetite regulation by ghrelin leptin 3 What factors affect our appetite Hormones Brain Chemicals o Ghrelin from stomach a major physiological hunger signal o Leptin from adipose fat tissue suppresses the desire to eat o Neuropeptide Y from hypothalamus A type of neurotransmitter Send message to the brain when the body needs nourishment Composition of Meals o Dietary fiber and water more filling o High protein vs high carbohydrate Psycho social response o Food as a reward o Food as a coping device stress reliever o Appetite Affected by external factors smelling seeing etc Learned preference coffee alcohol 4 Describe the four influences on food availability Natural Environment o Climate topography or land rainfall Technology o Farming practices o Food storage Ex freezing refrigeration dehydration o Food distribution Roads transportation o Advertising o Food processing Economics o crash crops vs food for family consumption o income o demand Population o Size o structure Food Dessert Food Insecurity o Food dessert area with limited access to affordable and nutritious food o Food insecurity inability of an individual or household to afford and to access a healthy and adequate diet 5 What are the six classes of nutrients Bold macronutrient underline micronutrient Nutrient components of food used for the body s functioning Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids fats Vitamins Minerals Water 6 How many calories per gram are there in carbohydrates fat and protein Which is the most concentrated source of calories Proteins 4 kcal gram Carbohydrates 4 kcal gram Fat 9 kcal gram 7 If you consumed a meal containing 100 grams of carbohydrate 25 grams of fat and 15 grams of protein how many calories did you consume 25 calories carbs 2 78 calories fat 3 75 protein 31 53 8 It is recommended that no more than 35 of your calories come from fat If your calorie needs at 2200 kcal day how many grams of fat should you consume 9 What is the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients Macronutrients are measured in Grams Micronutrients are measured in milligrams or micrograms 10 What are phytochemicals Beneficial non nutrients 11 What are the characteristics of a nutritious diet o Nutrients fiber energy in amounts sufficient to maintain o Foods of a number of types in proportion to each other o A wide selection of foods are included o Certain food constituents need to be consumed with limitation Calorie control o Control of energy intake 12 What is meant by that term nutrient density Nutrient content Kcal Content Nutrient dense foods o Rich in vitamins minerals other beneficial substances o Few calorie low in fat minimized added salt fat refined starches etc Vegetables fruits whole grains low fat dairy legumes nuts Consuming nutrient dense food is the way to control calories Adequacy health Balance Variety Moderation Nutrition Standards and Guidelines 02 18 2013 1 What is the obesity trend in the US in the last 30 years Obesity is increasing rapidly 2 What are the three tools for dietary guidance produced by
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