Exam 1 Study Guide Disclaimer We have not seen the exam this study guide is only a representation of what we think could be on the exam Be sure to study All lecture notes demonstrations videos Feldman Introduction module 1 2 3 Psych research Mod 4 5 6 56 57 NeuroscienceMod 7 8 9 Nature v Nurture Mod 35 32 Development Mod 36 37 38 Hock Gazzaniga Article Harlow article Rosenzweig article Piaget article Connect Quizzes 1 2 3 Introduction 1 Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mind a It is the study of the conscious and unconscious mind 2 Please match the following perspectives in Psychology to their explanation Neuroscience D a How does behavior mental processes promote survival Evolutionary A b How do unconscious conflicts drives determine behavior Behavior Genetics F c How does the brain biology affect behavior Psychodynamic B thoughts behavior d How does information processing affect Behavioral G e How do behavior thinking vary across situations cultures Cognitive C Socio cultural E behavior f How much do genes vs environment affect who we are g How do our experiences and environment affect Research Methods 1 Hindsight Bias After you know the outcome of an event you tend to believe that you would have predicted it a The professor led us to believe one thing about self esteem in class but it ended up being the exact opposite i We ended up trying to justify that we knew the answer when we really didn t b AFTER YOU KNOIW THE OUTCOME OF AN EVENT YOU TEND TO BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD HAVE PREDICTED IT 2 People tend to be more confident than correct thinking they know more than they do is an example of Overconfidence a WE THINK YOU KNOW MORE THAN WE ACTUALLY DO i Politicians were confident that Donald Trump wasn t going to be president 3 Where do hypotheses stem from a Dissatisfaction with other s theories i Harvard Pres Said women are worse at science and math encouraging more women to do research into this b New questions from prior research i Research on sober and drunk studying 1 This promoted questions about marijuana c Personal observation and curiosity i Why do babies cry when their parents leave Methods of Inquiry 1 What questions do you ask with Descriptive research What is the nature of the phenomenon behavior Please define the following terms and answer the subsequent questions 2 Case study Examine one person in depth to understand nature in general a List its limitations i Atypicality 1 Doesn t really represent a group too specific ii Limited generalizability 1 You can really apply the findings of one person to the general population b List its strengths i able to study statistically abnormal phenomenon 3 Observational research Researcher observes people and systematically records measurements of their behavior a List and define the two types of observational research i Unobtrusive 1 Observing how kids play in a park ii Participant observation 1 Researchers join colt to see why they behave the way they do a One researcher actually gets brainwashed into believing b Lists its limitations i Lack of generalizability ii Some behaviors are difficult to observe 4 Survey Research Using questionnaires to ask lots of questions people to report their behavior a Lists its strengths i Can sample a selection of population to reflect the whole population trend b Lists its limitations i Underrepresented sample 1 1930 s people called every 20th person to see who they were going to vote for a Only rich people had phones at that time so they were the only ones represented ii Orders of questions 1 Do you give money to the homeless YES or NO 2 Do you help the less fortunate YES or NO 3 If you reverse the order a Statistically you get opposite results iii Question Wording 1 Mississippi a How long is it b Is Mississippi 3 000 miles long or 400 miles long i The question sort of pushes you to a certain answer c How do you avoid an unrepresentative sample You use random sampling 5 What questions do you ask with Correlational Research From knowing X can I predict Y a When do we use it i When you want to understand relationships between tow things and be able to predict behaviors b List its strengths i You can examine factors like race sex and age c Lists its limitations i Correlation doesn t mean it proves cause ii Third variable problem 1 The more ice cream in a month the more murders occur a Does eating more ice cream murder 2 There could be another variable a Hot weather 6 Draw the Types of Correlation for Each Graph Graph A Positive Graph B Negative Graph C None 7 What do you do in experimental research Causality Is variable X a cause of variable Y You can manipulate some event or variable so that people experience it one way or another way and look to see if differences in behavioral occur a List its strengths i Can determine cause and effect ii Gain control over the situation b Lists its limitations i Lacks external validity 1 Might not apply to people s everyday lives 8 Hypothesis Does room temperature affect test performance Procedure Assign each student in psych 100 with a number and put them in a random number generator to separate them into 3 equal groups Assuming everyone studies the same amount place group 1 in a testing room with a temperature of 60 degrees Place group 2 in a testing room with a temperature of 75 degrees Place group 3 in a room with a temperature of 95 degrees Record test score results Identify the following a Independent variable Room temperature b Dependent Variable Test Scores c Is it controlled The amount of studying everyone does d Is there random assignment Yes 9 Define the following a Mean The sum of all the numbers divided by how many people there are b Median The data that right in the middle c Mode The data where most of the numbers lie upon d Range The difference between the biggest and the smallest pieces of data Neuroscience Identify the following 1 Dendrites the in box it receives signals from axon 2 Axon The out box it sends signals to other neurons and effector cells 3 Cell body performs basic cell function 4 Synapse cell a small space between the axons of one cell and the dendrites of the next 5 Myelin Sheath a fatty substance that encases the axons of some cells increases the speed of transmission 6 Receptor cites locations on the dendrite of the next neuron Nts bind to the receptor sites and the whole process begins anew 7 Axon Terminal Stores and eventually releases enzymes called neurotransmitters NT 8 Steps to reaching Action
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