Introduction to Psychology Exam 1 Review Psychological Research Perspectives in Psychology Name the perspective in psychology that corresponds with each of the following scientific questions 1 How does information processing affect thought and behavior Cognitive 2 How do our experiences and environment affect our behavior behaviorism 3 How does the brain biology affect behavior Biological 4 How do unconscious conflicts drives determine behavior Psychodynamics 5 How much genes vs environment affect behavior Evolutionary 6 How does behavior mental processes promote survival Humanistic 7 How do behaviors and thinking vary across situation cultures Sociocultural 1 Hindsight Bias After you know the outcome of an event you tend to believe that you would have predicted it 2 Example of Overconfidence When you think you know more than you actually do 3 Overconfidence Fact Falsehood questionnaire predicted correct actual correct 4 Example of Hindsight Bias Sportscasters saying of course we knew this would happen after watching a game even though they did not know the outcome prior to the game Research Methods in Psychology 1 What is a hypothesis A testable question 2 Which of the following is NOT an example of descriptive research a Case study b Unobtrusive observation c Participant observation d Correlation research e Survey research 3 Which of the following is a weakness of both case studies and observational research a Limited generalizability b Order of questions c Lacks external validity 4 The case of Phinneas Gage is an example of a n case study because researchers were examining one person in depth to understand human nature in general 5 Two types of observational research are participant observation and unobtrusive observation 6 Unrepresentative samples order of questions and question wording are all examples of limitations to survey research 7 What are the three types of correlation Positive negative no correlation 8 TRUE OR FALSE Correlation can prove causation False 9 The independent variable is the variable that is manipulated in an experiment while the dependent variable is the variable that changes as a result of the manipulation 10 Which of the following is NOT a strength of experimental research a External validity b Gain control over situation c Can determine cause and effect Statistics Match each of the following terms with its definition 1 Mode a From lowest to highest score 2 Median b Average score 3 Range c Most often reported 4 Statistical significance d Shows whether two groups are really different 5 e Middle score Mean Neuroscience 1 Dendrite in box Receives signals from sensory structures or other neurons 2 Cell body basic cell functions 3 Axon the out box sends signals to other neurons or effector cell muscles 4 Myelin sheath Fatty substance that encases the axons of some cells increases speed of transmission 5 Axon terminals buttons Stores and eventually releases enzymes called neurotransmitters 6 Synapse Small space between the axons of one cell and the dendrites of the next cell 7 Receptor cells Locations on the dendrite of the next neuron NT s bind to receptor sites and the whole process begins anew Neuron Communication What is the resting state of neurons in mv 70 mv When the dendrite is stimulated positive ions flow into the cell until a threshold of how many mv is reached 65 mv True or False When the action potential is triggered it is an all or nothing response True After the wave moves down the axon where does it reach Terminal vesicles Where are the neurotransmitters released into Synapse True or False The neurotransmitter can excite the next neuron or inhibit the next neuron True The brief period when the neuron is unable to fire again is known as what Refractory period The process where excess neurotransmitters are taken back for reuse in the axon of the neuron that released them is known as what Reuptake Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine movement learning memory Too little alzheimer s dementia Endorphins runners high chocolate stress athletes i e cracking knuckles release endorphins Serotonin mood sleep hunger arousal Too little depression Dopamine movement learning attention emotion Too much schizophrenia Too little parkinson s GABA eating sleeping Too little anxiety disorders Drugs Effects on Neurotransmitters Fill in the blank for each of the following Agonist mimic the action of the neurotransmitter Binds at NT sites receptor sites Blocks reuptake of NT leaving more Counter acts enzymes that clean out synapse Example xanax valium GABA zoloft prozac Serotonin Antagonists block the action of NT Blocks Neurotransmitters sites Destroys Neurotransmitters leaving less Decreases effectiveness of Neurotransmitters Example Haldol Dopamine What are the two divisions of the nervous system Central and peripheral nervous system What are the two divisions of the peripheral nervous system Brain and spinal cord Types of Neurons 1 Sensory Neurons 2 Motor Neurons 3 Interneurons A afferent body to brain specialized for different sensations B Does communication between motor and sensory neurons C efferent brain back to body What was phrenology Trying to relate behavior to bumps on skull shape of brain and skull does not always match ex John is not greedy but has a large bump on the greed section of the brain skull Neuroimaging Fill in the blank for each of the following A CAT scan is a neuroimaging technique that takes an x ray of the brain and cannot actually show activity within the brain An MRI bombards the brain with radio waves and active areas produce different magnetic fields than inactive areas A PET scan is when a patient is Injected with radioactive glucose and active areas in the brain use the glucose and glow Which lobe of the brain contains the motor cortex Frontal lobe The sensory cortex is in which lobe of the brain Parietal lobe Which lobe is primarily involved in vision Occipital lobe Which lobe of the brain is primarily involved in auditory language and memory processes Temporal lobe The right side of the body is controlled by which hemisphere of the brain Left hemisphere The left visual field is processed by which hemisphere Right hemisphere Left Hemisphere Logic Speech Analytical Analytical processing Right Hemisphere Emotion Music Artistic Holistic processing The membrane that connects and divides the halves of the brain and allows both sides to communicate with each other is known as what Corpus callosum What is the result of severing the corpus
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