UB UGC 112 - PPT - Europe - Abs and Enl - Mar. 4(3)

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TERMS for Absolutism and Enlightenment March 4 2013 Absolutism The New Science Richelieu Francis Bacon Louis XIV The Sun King Empiricism Mazarin William Harvey Intendants Venality Newton Leibniz Mercantilism Enlightenment Jean Baptiste Colbert Montesquieu Versailles Voltaire Prussia Adam Smith Enlightened Despots Music J S Bach Brandenburg Concerto 5 http www youtube com watch v rCAbgtr2yOk 8 56 J S Bach Ricecar a 6 A Musical Offering http www youtube com watch v bsh88GrsY34 Science http www youtube com watch v Es3LbywpzAE 54 Apollo Galileo gravity http www youtube com watch v Kv U5tjNCY 4 03 Pisa Galileo and Newton KEY EUROPEAN ABSOLUTIST STATES France Louis XIV r 1643 1715 r regnavit Latin Sweden Gustavus Adolphus r 1611 1632 Charles XI r 1660 1697 Charles XII r 1697 1718 Russia Tsar Peter the Great r 1689 1725 Tsarina Catherine the Great r 1762 1796 Prussia Frederick I r 1688 1713 Frederick William I r 1713 1740 Frederick II the Great r 1740 1786 Habsburg Empire Austrian Habsburgs Maria Theresa r 1740 1780 Joseph II r 1780 1790 Holy Roman Emperor 1765 1790 Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Mazarin Ran things for Louis XIII 1624 1642 Installed the Intendants Razed the castles Defeated the Huguenots Fought the Thirty Years War Intendants to run the provinces Ran things until Louis XIV was 23 Chief minister 1643 1661 Became very wealthy Larger than life and twice as natural Louis XIV n The Model of Absolutism Goodbye Protestants 1685 Calming Paris Occupying the nobles Versailles L tat c est moi I am the state Here Comes Le Roi Soleil It s good to be King and have your own way Tom Petty King for 72 years ruled 63 years Raising money Ended corruption Continued venality of offices Fired idle officials National tariffs Built industry esp luxuries More babies now more taxes later Jean Baptiste Colbert 1619 1683 Only the little people pay taxes Leona Helmsley and Colbert France Grows under Louis XIV Sweden in the 17th century beginning with Gustavus Adolphus Russia under Peter the Great r 1689 1725 The Rise of Prussia Frederick the Great Europe 1756 Russia Prussia Britain Poland France Habsburg Empire Ottoman Empire www swiaczny de Habsburg Enlightened Despots Austrian Empress Maria Theresa Austrian and H R Emperor Joseph II The Scientific Revolution Textbook calls it The New Science Galileo Pisa 1589 Francis Bacon England 1620 o Scientific Method o Empiricism o Inductive Reasoning Academies of science William Harvey Circulation of Blood England 1628 Newton and Leibniz William Harvey William Harvey De Motu Cordis Enlightenment Applying reason to everything even government society and religion Montesquieu s Persian Letters Voltaire and China The attack on the irrational o Arbitrary authority o Torture o Religious fanaticism the Lisbon Earthquake Welcome the enlightened despots Adam Smith The Palace at Versailles Palace at Versailles Versailles plan Versailles Gardens Versailles The Hall of Mirrors In the Hall of Mirrors No longer the exclusive privilege it once was They ll let anyone in here now Versailles Versailles Point of Convergence Habsburg Empire before absolutism Greece

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UB UGC 112 - PPT - Europe - Abs and Enl - Mar. 4(3)

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