UB UGC 112 - Review Session Boyd for exam 1

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Review Session Boyd Important things they need to know for the exam TA NAME Things that u should know Page 1 Section 1 chapter 16 age of discovery A People Isabella and Ferdinand the king and queen of Spain drive Muslims out of Spain back into Africa made Spain a single nation Cristoforo Colombo Christopher Columbus discovered the new world he thought the voyage was 3000 miles b Places Portugal first to begin age of discovery circumvent Africa to get spices found the Indies and captures Ceuta Spain Established east route to East Indies wanted to conquer the world Africa trade occurred here Trans Saharan gold ivory slaves spices know the location Ceuta Taken over by Portuguese in 1415 A D fort hold of North Africa Know the location Malacca shipping port southern Malay Peninsula know the location c Terms Monsoon phenomenal wind storms occurred for several months wind was in one direction for one season and different another season made transportation from Africa to India easier Caravel Portuguese ship Coge merchant ship Galley Mediterranean ship Magnetic compass tells the direction of North Astrolobe tells position North South latitude Shipboard Artillery tie down stiff due to the storms d Events Capture of Ceuta 1415 Portuguese capture due to 3 elements compass astrolabe and caravel Discovery of Caribbean islands Columbus showed up here got diseases such as small pox found New World 2nd section a people Henri Henery IV King of France converts to Catholicism said Paris is worth a Mass he is an extreme protestant and has religious tolerance Duc de Sully Help build infrastructure in France such as Road canals also the advisor of Henery IV Hugonot French protestant Maria de Medici Henery IV s wife catholic she becomes queen and does not like extreme protestant and religious tolerance her main advisor Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Richelieu recognize from 3 musketeers Louis XII song of Maria de Medici dies when an infant Cardinal Mazarin successor of Cardinal Richelieu cancels edict of nonet edict of tolerance LouisXIV sun king architect of absolute Monarchy one king one religion spending dime on himself and a lot of his favorite city Versailles mistresses DEBT his advisor Colbert Colbert likes mercantilism and is a French king Henery VII 1st king of England wins war of Roses killing Richard III concerned about succession Tudor King Henery VIII son of Henery VII 2nd Tudor king 6 wives for a son but unsuccessful his first son dies of tb at age of 15 his daughter Elizabeth I Elizabeth I proper ruling queen keeps and saves the country from European countries by not marrying this gives her lots of power Charles I wants to be an absolute monarch fail and gets head chopped off 1 st king to be executed succeeded by James I Oliver Cromwell puritan hates Catholics lord protector of puritan interregnum only time no king or queen Charles II succeeds Oliver Cromwell wants to be absolute monarch and invites William and Mary James II succeeds Charles II William and Mary constitutional Monarch abide law of state B places France know the location Paris know the location Berlin know the location Vienna know the location England know the location London know the location Netherlands know the location C terms Huguenots French Protestants Paris is well worth a mass in the notes above Edict of Nantes toleration for Protestants Henery IV Absolutism Absolute Monarch mainly in France Divine Right of kings how the kings are justified challenged in the enlightenment period Intendants set up by cardinals Mercantilism contribution by Colbert Standing Army 100 years war cavalry was switched backed to foot soldiers Privateer legal pirates that helped out Elizabeth I she influenced them to attack on Spain Gloriana Elizabeth 1st Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell The Restoration Charles 2nd Constitutional monarchs William and Mary were the first ones d Events Hundred year wars explains itself War of roses Richard III War of La Fronde Greek civil war Louis XIV ruling upset because of riots Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Under Louis XIV Thirty Years War 1618 1648 war mainly because of Religious conflicts Protestants vs Catholics English Civil War between Charles I and parliament Oliver Cramwell defeats him which leads to Trial and execution of Charles I Chapter 18 3 a people Aristole greek philosopher geocentric universe Nicholas Copernicus polish scientist heliocentric universe Tycho Brahe guy with moose looked at sky for 20 years collects data Johannes Kepler John Kepler proves world is helio centric with maps of planets revolving around the sun and that planets move in ellipse and at different speeds Galileo Galilei with telescope sees universe put on trial by pope Issac Newton Laws of Gravity and motion math and science Baron de Montesquieu criticized Persian letters which criticized the government Voltaire enlightened philosopher convinced kings to be good rulers The Marquise de Chatelet woman who translated Latin to French for Issac newton s stuff Denis Deiderot wrote first encyclopedia Jean Jacus Rousseau Early Childhood educators feelings emotions concept General Will which ran the constitutional monarchy Frederick the Great king of Prussia friend of Voltaire almost enlightened monarch Louis XV he came know the order Louis XVI then he came know the order Rene de Maupeou then finally he did know the order B places France know the location Paris Know the location The Bastille know the location prison in Paris Voltaire in this prison Berlin know the location St Petersberg capital of Russia C terms The 10 heavenly spheres crystal spheres stuck on planets Aristole made this On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres 1543 book by Nicholas Copernicus about heliocentric universe Inductive Reasoning new exciting thinking about evidence theory Deductive Reasoning Old way of thinking theory than take away the evidence that doesn t apply not a good idea for science Reason Goddess Figure The Enlightenment time of great thought new political theories The Philosophes great enlightenment thinkers Persian Letters 1721 Montesquieu s book The Encyclopedia attempt to gather human knowledge in one place The General Will Rousseau contribution of government that they should listen to Enlightened despotism absolute monarch should desperate rule bas on the general will doesn t work communist theory d Events Work on publication of the encyclopedia 1751 1765 know the date Astrona Polestra new Astronomy 4 Chapter 19 A people Prince Henry

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