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Review Exam 2 Filled People Portuguese 1400 got away from Spain capture gourde and took over slave trade in Africa In 1450 captures Ceuta they circumnavigated around Africa by going through Sahara Dessert which was 1000 miles long which took 3 months Places Sahara know where it is Senegambia provided the most slaves in trans Atlantic slave trade The Middle Passage 10 million slaves also known as trans Atlantic slave trade Cuba Terms Slavery Explains itself Freedmen Romans would allow slaves to buy freedom or give freedom also known as Liberties Sugar Lots in West Indies European s make money by this also making people rich 5 Million Number of Slaves transported through Trans Saharan route 10 Million Number of slaves transported through the Middle Passage also known as trans atlantic slave route Chapter 20 Mongols Located in the North east of China 1100 1400Ad moved west and south captured south of Asia Seljuk Turks Turkish speaking people from turkey to south East Asia Never United fought other Persians and also among themselves Uthman Osman Northern Province founding father of Ottoman Empire Ottoman Turks People in the Ottoman Empire Mehmet II Also known as the Sultan conquered Constantinople and renamed it to Istanbul also known as Sultan of Rome Constantine IX The last Byzantine Emperor who lost the empire to Mehmet II Suleyman the Magnificent Sultan of a high point in history conquered Italy Tsar Nicholas I of Russia his empire known as the Sick man of Europe Ghazan ill Khan of Turkey minor Khan ill Khan of Persia king of Persia Safi Al Din Persian mystic Sufi Shitte Safavid Dynasty Important dynasty since in this dynasty they had lots of firearms armies cannons Ismail Shah King founder of Safavid Dynasty Shah Abbas King into carpet making 25 000 weavers Barbur the Conqueror founder of Mughal Empire captures Kabul defeated Sultan of Delhi at Pannipat Humayun Barbur s Son failed to expand Akbar Extremely tolerant king had a centralized bureaucracy had 4 ministers Finance Revenue Army and intelligence judiciary and religious patronage During his time they had 24 000 books Shah Jahan Controlled the northwest frontier built the Taj Mahal for Mumtaz Mumtaz Taj Mahal was named after her name built for her by Shah Jahan Aurangzeb extremely intolerant takes over family Places Kosovo Ottoman gains control of Balkans here know where it is Constantinople Know where it is Vienna farthest place where ottomans reached in the battle of Europe Lepanto Ottoman Empire lost its major sea battle here Crete know the place Persia Know the place Afghanistan know the place Kabul Mughal Empire know the place Indus River know the place Ganges River know the place Goa Bombay Madras Calcutta cities ports that belonged to the British imperialists to get foothold of trade Terms Islam A religion that was later split into two Submission to God Muslim followers of Islam Those who submit to God Sunni Believed the Secular and religion should be separate Shitte Believed that secular and spiritual should be together and should be descendant of Mohammad Devshirme where ottomans took Christians children and kept them Sultan leader of the Ottoman Empire Timar a piece of land given to the noble by the Sultan The sick Man of Europe Nicholas I IlKhan Governor of Persia Kizilbas Red Heads they wear red hats special type of soldier for Ismail who is the founder of safavid Shah ruler of Persia Mughal Barbur found them Taj Mahal building for Mumtaz built by Shah Jahan Cotton Cloth major trade good in India Sillim process for making cotton 1 Bring raw cotton and give to village 2 Village makes cotton into dye cotton 3 Merchant sell this for new Cotton Factory Fort Goa Bombay madras Calcutta all trading ports exchange Indian good for cash European goods Sepoy Indian soldiers working for British 3 Services Civil Service puppet princes Bureaucrat system Events Battle of Kosovo 1389 Ottoman win control over Balkans Europe Taking of Constantinople 1453 time period full of cannons and artillery Treaty of Karlowitz 16990 Ottoman Empire Banning territory in Europe Only Greece Mongol Invasions They conquer like crazy in the 13th century Babur s Invasion of northwest India considered him Turkish but actually a Moghul British gradual control of India through the 3 services Chapter 21 Mongols from Mongolia North China Hong Wu founder of Ming Dynasty in 1386 he started out as a peasant Manchu servants of Hong Wu Places China know where it is Manchuria North of Korea know where it is Beijing know where it is Terms Yuan Dynasty 1271 1368 not Chinese controlled can t assemble not allowed weapons and spread curfew Ming Dynasty peasant revolt resulted in this around 1368 Confucianism Hong Wu uses to centralize based on Higher acrhies Hierarchies work well with imperial state Eunuch officials Fit with Hong Wu they could not have children Embroidered Brocade type of cloth embedded with pictures mainly for Hong Wu s guards he trusted them more than bureaucrats Bureaucracy china has it and are willing to use it Exam System part of Bureaucracy 1000 people take and only 1 2 pass Champa Rice which helped increased the harvest by doubling the amount of food more food more population Great Wall Made to stop Manchu s Qing Dynasty Ming general massive Manchu revolts in 1644 1912 controlled native Chinese Events Overthrow of the Yuan Dynasty by Hong Wu self explained above Invasion of China by the Manchu Explained in Qing Dynasty Chapter 22 People Louis XV Ruled France and spent tons of money on mistresses Louis XVI very weak not smart loses control of absolute monarchy Marie Antoinette From Austria everyone hates her she is the wife and queen of Louis XVI Marquis de La Fayetter French officer becomes a general to help Americans gain independence outlives revolution Places France know where it is Paris know where it is England know where it is Boston know where it is Terms Notables Representatives Estates General Estates General legislative counsel in France not called for 150 years Louis 16 th calls them The three Estates 1 Church 2 Nobles 3 everyone else everyone has voice Mercantilism state control economy Honorable East India Company British Company monopolies on tea High price and tax leads to Boston tea Party and American Revolution Tea Self Explanatory Parliament of Paris advisory council not let Louis 16th to raise taxes without contacting estates general National Assembly representative 3rd estate which they formed a New constitution of

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