UB UGC 112 - Lecture 20 The Republic

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The Republic 1783 1914 o 1783 still a loose collection of 13 colonies to be ruled by The Articles of Confederation Gives almost all power to the stateso No way for the federal government to raise revenue No navy Tiny army maybe 100 No central currency Without control of revenues and currency o Economy wobbles Economic stabilization Danger to western settlers from Native Americans Danger on sea from other nations France 1790 s Pirates especially Mediterranean o Barbary pirates 1787 A group of concerned citizens met in Philadelphia to discuss reform o Some from government in NY o Some private citizens o Called the constitutional convention Needed approval Government in NY Of at least 9 states o New operating document shift of power towards the federal government o Central currency o Central army o Central navy o Methods for raising federal revenue o Postal system Slavery in South o Under the discus at times of states and rights o Even before the American revolution people were moving westward across the mountains Southerners brought slaves and hoped that new states to be Would be slave states 1803 napolean sold territory west of Mississippi To us for 12 000 000 Adds to problem new states o slave or free Free o Maine but this is only temporary Slave o Missouri Meanwhile Mexico has Gotten its freedom from Spain More territory than people especially tot eh northeast Has major debts Has endless civil wars Invites settlers from U S Settlers must o Leave slaves behind o Become Catholics o Became Mexican citizens New waves of citizens o Neglected o 1835 1836 fought to take Tejas away from Mexican government But government sent Santa Anna with army in January 1836 and local rebels lost every battle but lost on San Tacinto Texas independent country o 1836 1845 o 1845 Texas joined the US but war with Mexico o And treaty which gave us the whole southwest and California o So now even more land for the slave vs free debate North industrializing pop 22 000 000 large immigrant population South still rural 9 000 000 1 3 Slaves almost no immigrant population This all leads up to election of 1860o Winner Abraham Lincoln December of 1860 South Carolina left the Union o Joined soon by 10 other states Became the confederate states of America 1861 1865 ends with southern defeat Post war reconstruction o Pushes south backwards o But whole country moves westwards o By 1898 U S full People begin to look elsewhere Colonies By 1900 US has Cuba and Puerto Rico and Philippines

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UB UGC 112 - Lecture 20 The Republic

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