UB UGC 112 - Lecture 12 2 Revolutions

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2 Revolutions Earlier o Glorious revolution 1688 1691 King James II out William and Mary in constitutional Monarchs American Revolution o 1775 1783 French Revolution 1789 1794 2 more revolutions but not military not political but economic and Social o Industrial Revolution o Agricultural Revolution o Beginning in the Netherlands from the middle Ages on the Dutch have worked to claim land from the North Sea 40 of Netherlands below sea level Used Dams dykes Sluices water channels Land claim needed to be made fertileo Crop rotation o Heavy manure Root crops like turnips very useful o Good for humans winter food o Good for livestock o About 1700 the Dutch English and other allies were at constant war with Louis XIV English ambassador to Netherlands Charles Townshend wealthy Norfolx land owner o Tries Dutch methods at home Successful and is focus of attention of other landholders But suppose you don t have seacoast to add to your land What then you use the land which is already there In Feudal system o Manors owned by local lord But some land owned by tradition Used in common o Grazing o Firewood o Feeding pigs o Gathering turf peat o Landowners used parliament to take back common lands and fence them of Enclosure Acts Highland clearances Scots version o o Besides agriculture there was the matter of wool In the 18th century England was becoming a trading empire based in part on the wool cotton cloth trade 1764 James Hargreaves Invents new method for producing more thread always the problem was production vs consumption demand because it took 3 5 spinsters to keep one weaver working Spinning Jenney increases production but can t be hooked up to new power source Richard Arknight s invention can and his basis of increased machine fiber production Water power o Old as romans but first used in Britain for fibers in 1780 s But water power has limitations Seasons Geography But this source of thinking of a new power Steam When wood is in short supply from later middle ages on in England people turned to coal Digging in England goes below water table o Mines need pumping Horse powered Than new power source Steam You could power pumps with steam how about mills

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UB UGC 112 - Lecture 12 2 Revolutions

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