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ABSOLUTE MONARCHY Dynasty Parliament l Ruling family in this case Turders and Squares England in 1500 had been through 2 big wars if the eras after 1340 s 1 100 year war a 1340 s 1450 s 2 Civil war a Wars of Roses i 1455 1487 with gaps ii Wars between varies points of the ruling Henery Tudur 1 Meanwhile the merchants and guildsmen are a growing power in parliament by the early 17th century a Beginning to control monarchs first Henry works to 1 2 3 4 Cement his family Position Build up the economy of England and of Henery Build an English navy Building an international power structure married his older son Parker to Catherine of AragodDaughter of Issebella and Ferdinand a Unfortunately Arthur dies very young Henery 7 Succeeded by second son1 Hennery 8th a Worried about succession i Succession based upon 1 Power 2 Networking 3 Divine right b Henery goes through 6 wives and mistresses c He wants son but what happens if wife doesn t give him one d First wife was Captain of Erahon i Henery a daughter 1 Marry e When pope doesn t agree to divorce Henery 8 th divorces the pope i Finds his own church with self at the head assisted by the Archbishop of Canterbury f Second wife i Ann Boleyne she gets executed for adultery 1 Gets a daughter Elizabeth the first g Third wife i Jane Seymore she does while giving child 1 Gives him son a Edward the 6th to be h Fourth wife i Anne of Cleves divorced i Catherine Howard executed j Catherine Parr i Outlives Henery 2 Edward the 6th who dies at 15 and so the succession problem continued a Left throne to cousin Lady Jain Grey i But power lobby pushed for his half sister Mary she gets crowned Lady Jane loses head b In meantime i Parliament slowly gains economic power ii England increasingly becomes international trading power 1 Will soon by end of 16th century a Begin world exploration and colonization c Marry at Edward s death she becomes queen and there s immediately a large problem i Henery 8th had a split from the church ii Founded his own church new prayer book Bible in English iii Dissolved monasteries and pocketed the prophets iv She extreme catholic and tries to restore old religion v Also Marries England s biggest enemy Philip the second from Spain vi Marry dies before succeeding and her successor 1 More moderate 2 Smarter politically 3 Elizabeth the first a First great progandist in modern times with the help of painters and poets becomes an almost mythical figure i gloriana ii She holds a rainbow power of the elements b Without money or soldiers or many ships she fought the Spanish for years most combat on the sea or in the Netherlands c Edward helped the Dutch with i Contributions ii Volunteers iii Privateers pirates with a license iv Armada portrait shows the world so powerful plays world with a yoyo d But Edward never married i No heir ii Her first cousin once removed 1 James Stewart James the 6th Scotland a Becomes James the 1st of England i He has sons ii Charles 1st 1 Makes trouble right away iii iv v vi a Wants to be absolute monarch b Wants to run the church and is very conservative c Resents the power of parliament and fight with it d Brings civil war from 1642 1651 e is captured and tried and executed January 1649 Interregnum 1 Parliament this is one of the parliament generals Lord Protcton And his son Richard Then return of Dynasty Charles the second 1 Smart enough to offer pardons all around 2 No legit heirs just lots of bastards so his young brothers becomes king b James 2 i But quickly alienates parliament and is replaced by his own daughter and son in law ii William and Marry iii First constitutional Monarchs to gain crown swore not the owners of England but its first servants Government is born

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