UB UGC 112 - World civ review Exam 1

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World civ review Isabelle and Ferdinand CC explores for them Thought he would arrive at the Indies Ceuta had gold Technology ships caravel navigational devices shipboard artillery astrolabe compass Monsoons in Indian Ocean every year for months Needed some place to stay Malacca France Henry VII King makes all laws has duc de sully highly intelligent improved infrastructure and did more to get revenue for France 1610 Henry murdered left country in hands of De medici and Richelieu decided France needed an absolute monarch The state is me problems are succession he picks his own successor Cardinal Mazarin becomes boss of beginning of next generation Aggravates people Fronde a sling broke windows because of noble s street gangs Louis XIV grows up becomes center of state absolutism Cobert an economist works with Louis XIV to restructe state and control the economy Mercantilism limit imports push exports to bring revenue into the state monitor everything in economy France taxes salt requires everyone to buy it from government Louis XIV the sun king house of Versailles left france with glory and debt Edict of nantes treaty promoted religious tolerance Henry XII very distant claim to the throne competition for throne won battle of Bosworth and eliminated anyone who possibly could ve gained the throne Intelligent and able administrator Makes everyone in the state fearful all the time Put together a stable state and passed it on Henry IX Mary Rose First wife wouldn t give any sons can t get a divorce because of the Catholic Church Pope wouldn t give divorce so he quits the church and sets up his own church appoints his archbishop of Canterbury Finds Anglican church Happening during Protestant revolution Bible is translated in local language writes separate prayer book Gets rid of first wife second gives daughter third gives him son 2 daughters and 1 son Son takes over at age fifteen Becomes about religion People who disagree with Henry Puritans wanted to purify henry s church didn t like what they saw Mary becomes queen afterwards executes people at stake because went against her Bloody mary Half sister Elizabeth takes over after 5 years when Mary dies very able manipulative no treasury no standing army small navy Had to face Spain who hit the jackpot in mexico and SA silver Becomes rich and powerful Elizabeth had to fend off Spain Look up how She has no heirs people are anxious James VI second cousin of Elizabeth James VI of Scotland James of England Stuarts last until 1688 England has bicameral legis house of commons merchants and house of lords rich both control money Charles tries to abolish parliament Charles absolute monarch tries to be parliament Right Wing Anglican very conservative views of Anglican church Puritans are punished because king doesn t like what theyre doing Civil war between parliament and king King tried for treason Parliament cant run it Oliver Cromwell is lord protector basically king Charles II becomes king Restoration Smart doesn t push too hard so civil war won t reoccur Parliament runs more His son a catholic becomes king Parliament won t tolerate it they push him out Bring in William and Mary who become the first constitutional monarchs in English history Servants of state but controlled with parliament 100 years war long war in which England had strong claims to western france while increasingly French governor of france pushes them Science in Revolt Everyone thought sun revolved around the world Copernicus publishes book that sun doesn t revolve around world Supernova seen realize the universe does change Keppler ellipticals proven by mathematics Galileo and Keppler used facts to prove truth of observations inductive Montesque critiques France in a novel sad Most books published in Amsterdam in Netherlands because were tolerant and would publish them Rosseau influential in children education feelings and politics Published a series of books Children are not little adults can be formed into anything by education Feelings are natural and should be expressed Don t worry about last five people on list Oba king Bronzes in benin Swahili trade stretched as far as Japan

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UB UGC 112 - World civ review Exam 1

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