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ENGLISH 131 WRITING EXPERIENCE 3 CREDITS WINTER 2007 Thursdays January 11 May 3 6 00 8 54 p m Bert Walker Hall Room 107 Instructor Kim McCollum Email mrsmccollum aol com Course Description This is an intensive writing course designed to help students improve strengthen and refine writing skills Research methods are introduced An end of the semester portfolio of narrative and informative writing and an additional 16 hours of writing activities and workshops are required Associate Degree Outcomes for ENG 131 The Board of Trustees has determined that all JCC graduates should develop or enhance certain essential skills while enrolled in the college Several of these Associate Degree Outcomes are addressed in this class including communicating clearly concisely and intelligibly by using writing skills working productively with others and competence in the use of computers for word processing and for research purposes Performance Objectives 1 To provide writing experiences which encourage students to express themselves 2 To enable students to discover recognize and improve their abilities in writing through exposure to and involvement in varied forms of writing including personal narratives letters journals reports position statements and interviews 3 To enable students to understand and demonstrate that writing is a process which involves pre writing techniques drafting revising and editing 4 To enable students to understand the relations between language choices and the intended reader or audience 5 To provide students with writing survival skills suitable to academic and occupational communities 6 To introduce students to methods of information gathering and research and to foster the personal use of these methods and resources for further academic study occupational activities and life long learning 7 To enable students to work productively with others as members of peer reading writing groups learning collaborative strategies in order to successfully complete a project 8 To enable students to learn word processing skills in drafting editing and polishing writing papers 9 To develop poise and skills of public speaking through oral presentations Materials Textbook The St Martin s Guide to Writing Axlerod and Cooper 7th Edition proper writing utensils computer storage medium disk or USB key 3 two pocket foldersthe first is for turning in your papers and process work the second is for your GPAW activities and reflections and the third is for turning in your portfolio at the end of the semester Assignments Portfolio As we progress through our writing this semester we will compile a portfolio to demonstrate our growth as writers Only those papers that have been taken through the entire writing process in this class are acceptable submissions for your portfolio these papers must be read by me and at least two other students in class and represent revisions and editing to the best of your ability The portfolio is a collection of your finished polished writing totaling ten to twelve full pages Your portfolio serves as a final exam for English 131 and should demonstrate both the strength of your writing skills and an awareness of the audience you wish to reach Your portfolio will be collected during week 15 of the semester April 19 and will be read and evaluated by me and other English 131 teachers Remember the portfolio is the end result of all the work we will do during the semester It should include several different writing genres Guided Practice and Workshop Activities GPWA All English 090 131 and 132 students must complete a total of sixteen hours of additional writing work outside of classroom time These hours include workshop attendance tutorial work in The Center for Student Success online workshops and other personalized writing instruction To help you accomplish this task over the course of the semester JCC has devised a variety of activities I will assist you in making choices to improve your writing experiences and skills Written reflections on each of the extensions are required Reflections will summarize the experience specifically discuss what was learned identify questions developed by you or your classmates consider areas you would like to explore further describe how you feel about what was discussed and address how the experience may be applied to your writing process Reflections are to be recorded dated and numbered in your Writer s Notebook Process Folder You will be required to complete five 2 6 page essays throughout this course The papers are intended to focus on purpose and audience as you write All papers will be submitted in a folder complete with evidence of the full writing process discovery drafts peer responses revisions and a polished final draft The folder will also contain a written reflection on your process In this class you will build upon enhance and revise your skills processes and habits Fifty percent of your Process Folder grade is derived from your process and reflection and 50 is taken from the revised final draft Final drafts should be submitted with the following requirements typed double spaced one inch margins 12 point Times New Roman font and black ink only The topics are as follows A significant life event a significant person a position paper a narrative and a descriptive paper Attendance Policy Attendance for the entire clock time is mandatory for this class If you are absent you will receive a zero for that evening s assignments Late work will not be accepted If you miss two class periods in a row I will assume you have dropped the class and will notify the college If you are tardy or leave class early more than once I will consider this one unexcused absence If you have three or more absences during the course of the class your final grade will be dropped one full grade Perfect attendance will be taken into consideration when calculating your final grade Class Conduct For some of you this may be your first college class Keeping that in mind let me emphasize to you that this is not a high school therefore your behavior should not be on a high school level Any student who is disrupting the learning process of others will be asked to leave and will be counted as absent for that evening I will also notify the college Struggling Overwhelmed Confused Please feel free to ask any questions you may have I can be reached any day of the week through the email address listed above and will get back to you that same day Tutors and additional

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