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English 132 31 Spring 2009 Amy Zicafoose meeting times 10 00 11 56 Monday Thursday WA 219 Office hours BW 230 by appointment please I am on campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 30 2 00 pm but can meet you on other days if needed Email zicafooamyj jccmi edu or lonandamy aol com Phone 787 0800 extension 8371 call me at home only if absolutely necessary Textbooks and Supplies Writing A Guide for College and Beyond a brief edition by Lester Faigley Brief Penguin Handbook by Lester Faigley They Say I Say Moves that Matter in Academic Writing by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein Thumb or flash drive 4 soft two pocket folders Access to computer and printer Loose leaf paper pen and pencil Small stapler and staple remover and paper clips Course Structure and Purpose This course is a continuation of English 131 Completing this course successfully ensures that you will be ready to face the writing challenges which await you in upper level undergraduate and graduate work University of Michigan Eastern Michigan University and Michigan Sate University accept successful completion of Eng 132 in their transfer programs This is a rigorous course Research writing is emphasized You will be expected to read write and think about material that is moderate to difficult in complexity The writing in this course emphasizes writing for academic purposes We will be writing two major papers among in class group projects and individual in class writing You will be challenged by the writing assignments and intellectually stretched by revising each paper Revision is emphasized in English 132 In order to successfully complete this course you must demonstrate the following skills You must have an effective plan in your essays including a thesis statement for each essay You must revise each paper assignment at least once preferably twice You must demonstrate that you understand each writing assignment can identify writing strategies in your own work as well as the work of your classmates You must participate in class writing assignments You must pass the portfolio component of this class with a 2 0 or better Your writing must reflect college level syntax and vocabulary Pay special attention to grammar punctuation and paragraph structure Course Policy Attendance It is important you are here for class and prepared for each class If you miss more than 3 classes it will negatively affect your final grade Missing any class is not desirable but at times unavoidable if you need to miss a class please let me know via email Inattention in class If you are physically in class but mentally engaged elsewhere you are not truly present By inattention I mean that you are surfing the net checking your mail talking online or other such activities If you have spent most of the time in class disengaged you will be counted absent Please turn off your cell phone at the beginning of class Tardiness Students who consistently come to class late will receive a point reduction for attendance Late Papers I will accept late papers for review and comments but if a paper is late without a prior arrangement with me you will forfeit all of your points for meeting the paper deadline If you are having difficulty with an assignment I expect you to inform me during the early stages of the writing assignment not the night before Paper format all papers must be word processed Use New Times Roman 12 size font for all writing assignments All papers must be at least 6 pages long All papers will be double spaced with your name and section number in the upper right hand corner of the first page Each paper needs to be at least 6 pages You must submit 12 pages of text for your final portfolio You need to submit writings that show a variety of topics and treatments You will be including two formal essays in your final portfolio Three major writing assignments will be required of you this semester You must meet the assignment s due date to receive all the points for that assignment You will not receive a letter grade on the paper until you feel that the paper is portfolio ready at that time I will give the paper a grade based on a 4 0 scale Due dates are as follows below Thursday May 28 first draft of paper 1 due Wednesday June 10 first draft of paper 2 is due Please note that REVISIONS for each paper are to be turned in by June Grading procedure Possible points 610 Essays Revisions of writings GPAW hours Portfolio 200 100 points each major paper 100 50 points each major paper 10 points 300 points Students will need to meet all paper due dates to receive the maximum number of points per paper For example each paper will be worth 100 points In order to receive all 100 points for a paper the student will have to meet the page requirements formatting requirements and content development rubric requirements Listed below is the grading rubric I use for each first draft Format 20 points Papers are to be word processed using a size 12 font New Times Roman font One inch margins all around using a title page with an audience statement and a purpose statement and a working title Each paper is to be at least six full pages long Name must be in the upper right hand side of the title page with English 132 31 along with the paper assignment and the paper status for example first draft first revision second revision Content 80 points The first draft is to have a central idea clearly stated in a thesis statement Ideas should be easily identified and developed to the student s best ability for a first draft level Paragraphs are to be delineated in conventional format Each paragraph needs to have a topic sentence which is developed within the paragraph itself All papers need to be proofread before you submit them to me including the first draft I see Don t confuse proofreading with spell check Yes I do want you to use spell check but do not rely on spell check alone You need to read your papers aloud and or have someone else proofread your papers Yes even your first drafts I will be looking at your paper s purpose and audience as they are central to every piece of writing you do If you don t know why you are writing or to whom you are writing you will not be successful in your written communication attempts Purpose and Audience statements are not something we add to a portfolio piece they are Integral to each piece of writing you will do in this class and beyond A grading rubric is the standard used in judging your work Rubrics help students clarify intended learning

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JC ENG 131 - Syllabus

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