1st Edition
PSY 401: History and Systems of Psychology
School: Colorado State University- Fort Collins (CSU )
Pages: 2Examination of the main contributors to Early Neuroscience: Brain Localization.
Pages: 2Examination of early ideas of brain localization and distribution.
Pages: 4Examination of the Rationalist main contributions and the contributors to Early Neuroscience
Pages: 3Examination of the main individuals supporting skepticism, empiricism, and rationalism
Pages: 3Examination of the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and the main contributions of the Renaissance.
Pages: 2Examination of the Medieval Period and the shift from Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Pages: 2Greek Philosophers continued, beginning of the Roman period
Pages: 3Examination of the contributions of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Pages: 5Study Guide for Exam I: Issues in HIistorical Study, HIstoriography, Philosophical Issues, Early Greek Phiilosophy and Psychology
Pages: 2Looking at the contributions of Democritus and Hippocrates
Pages: 3Early Greek Philosophers and their contributions
Pages: 3Finishing the philosophical issues and beginning the exploration of Early Greek philosophical and psychological thought
Pages: 2Examination of Dualistic theories and Free Will vs. Determinism
Pages: 3The various dimensions of philosophical issues
Pages: 5Finishing up looking at the Philosophies of History then beginning the examination of the philosophical issues
Pages: 3Examining the issues with historical study and the philosophies of history