Clouds and Precipitation Pressure and Wind Cloud Development Air cools upon rising Cools to dew point temperature Condensation begins Lifting condensation level Cloud Shapes Cirrus curl of hair thin wisps Stratus blanket extensive layers Cumulus pile puffy masses Cloud Groups High clouds 6000 m or more above surface Middle clouds 2000 m to 6000 m above Low clouds less than 2000 m above surface Clouds of vertical development Present through more than one level Product of atmospheric instability cirrus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Altocumulus Altostratus Nimbostratus Cumulus Cumulonimbus Cloud classification left Cloud classification right Fog Golden Gate Bridge Fog Tule Fog Condensation in clouds Bergeron notes Bergeron Process of ice crystal growth Collision coalescence Glaze ice Giant hailstone Hail damage Rime ice Pogonip http grannysatticquilts com pogonip html Precipitation measurement http www ptguide com weather index html Precipitation Map of Washington Weather radar display Windfarm in California Hurricane at Corpus Christi Mercury Barometer Aneroid Barometer Aneroid Barograph Isobars No Coriolis Effect Coriolis Effect Geostrophic Winds 500 millibar altitude chart Ridge and trough of 500 mb Upper level wind Surface Wind In class activity What forces interact to cause wind to flow in the direction they do Equal pressure lines on a weather map are called Pressure gradient Coriolis Effect Surface friction isobars Name the type of winds that follow pressure lines Geostrophic winds Cyclonic and anticyclonic winds Cyclonic circulation northern hemisphere Cyclonic winds southern hemisphere Vertical Airflow around cyclonic anticyclonic winds In class activity General names for the two types of pressure systems Low pressure cyclone High pressure anticyclone Low pressure weather High pressure weather Airflow model with no rotation of Earth Idealized global circulation Average surface pressure January Average surface pressure July Surface pressure Jan and Jul In class activity Sea breeze Land Breeze Valley breeze Mountain breeze Anemometer Wind roses Palm Springs Wind Farm US Wind use Global precipitation patterns Normal equatorial flow Vertical normal flow ENSO disruption of flow Vertical ENSO flow Pacific Windflow from satellite Hurricane Ivan from satellite
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