TAMU INST 210 - Intellectual disabilities ctd.

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INST 210 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I Evidence based practices II Discussion Outline of Current Lecture II Characteristics of IDs III Discussion Current Lecture I II Characteristics of IDs a Impaired intellectual functioning IQ below 70 b Low academic achievement c Issues with adaptive behavior toileting self agression dressing d Contrast between ID and LD LDs don t affect every aspect of your life whereas IDs will impair multiple areas of your life Discussion a Benefit of starting with least to most prompting is that you are able to see what the child s skills are b What are some of the parents concerns Onset of puberty and her maturity in handling it Should they begin transition planning for high school usually begins at age 12 c What are some accommodations modifications that would be helpful in meeting Jennifer s needs in reading math social studies and science presented in the case study assistance in note taking could work with the entire class pairing students up with peers buddy system d Based on Jennifer s academic and social skills do you think it would be appropriate for the school based team to plan for Jennifer to attend college Why or why not we may need more information on Jennifer s past rather than just her 4th 5th grade history Maybe a community college to work on adaptive skills or a college that is closer where she can be around more structure and support e How could teaching Jennifer social and self management skills ease her transition to middle junior high school What challenges might she face socially and occasionally For someone with an ID she will need extra instruction with all of the changes that are happening and the higher expectations of responsibilities Teaching kids appropriate responses to situations is important f Why would the occupational therapist be involved in working with Jennifer on a sex education plan What skills would the occupational therapist address addressing sexually inappropriate behaviors focusing on what is appropriate behavior being able to These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute acknowledge and recognize inappropriate behavior This is a very under researched area but it is extremely important to have these skills Have to re teach some skills hugging handshake etc

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TAMU INST 210 - Intellectual disabilities ctd.

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