ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 10 20 Formulas Out of home Calculating GRP Per allotment GRPs Total DEC for allotment Total market population Cost effectiveness Which allotment delivers GRPs at the least cost per GRP Total cost of allotment GRPs in allotment Cost efficiency CPM Cost per thousand readers o Compares media with different circulations and ad costs o the lower the CPM the more cost efficient a better media buy CPM Cost of space x 1 000 circulation Weighted CPM Cost efficiency of a publication in reaching portion of readership that is your target audience WCPM Cost of space x 1 000 circulation in your tgt mkt Reach GRPs gross rating points Percent of total target market GRPs Total circulation of all ads Total target market Cost Effectiveness How cost effective is your mix of print placements per GRP Total cost of print space GRPs delivered by print Comparative table of different forms of media Lecture 15 Digital Media Strengths o Relatively low cost precise pricing very cost efficient o Engaging o Timely o Segmentation Limitations o Uncertainty biggest limitation Importance o Advertising method that has the Strongest pace of increase o Big deal Scheduling and buying o Segment by daypart Content sites not email and search Largest audience daytime 18years evening weekends Largest at work 10 noon weekdays o Segment by platform o Market research Collect data quickly automatically and inexpensively IP address unique ID for every user Data collected from web activity Page view request for a page Visit string of requests Geographical location Cookies Data placed on your computer by a website or web service Identifies it uniquely Tracks page views visits usage Voluntary o Audience measurement Standard measures Rating points impressions Frequency GRP GI Cost efficiency Cost per click Effectiveness click through rate Monitoring Creative development Verification o per GRP per GI Pricing precisely metered o Survey responses user accounts No single industry group or company to verify how many people view Key technologies Internet Packet switching and segmentation handles more information Digital keeps message quality HTML Lecture 16 o Creative concept A bridge between message and execution Links the strategic basis that you start with to the ads that come out the other side Path to the final product Creative extension of key message How you say it matters Must have 3 things o Focused o Evocative Emotional depth Relate to deep important feelings Concept for hair coloring From Look Natrual to It lets me be me Xbox Halo Reach Gatorade Whats G o Relevant surprise Where the insight comes in Relevant the concept conveys something that the market already knows If the concept is only relevant o Info but not memorable Surprising needs to tell the target market what it doesn t already know If concept is only surprising o Catches attention but not memorable i e mountain dew ad Process Got Milk concept o Success on first try Harry Rosen o Came up with concept but client hated it so they had to trash the idea and come up with a new one Lecture 17 Creative research o Study current and future effectiveness of advertising not behaviors o What advertising will have maximum appeal to the target market o What to say not how to say it Stages in which to use creative research o Development of creative strategy o Development of executions o Pretesting executions o Evaluating campaign Areas of study o A student of people o Sociology Life cycle stages Different products appeal to us at different stages in our lives o Psychology VALS personality types Characterize your target market will allow you to have a better idea as too what type of creative strategy to use o Anthropology Meaning systems Research in creative development o Hunt for the insight Insight most valuable thing for creative development Not generally recognized Central to the product and its use i e BBQ grills people want great tasting food the griller can t socialize o Methods and sources Focus groups people in the target market Open free flowing discussions Existing ads focus groups Ethnographic research Not in a conference room like focus groups occurs in participants natural habitat Key points o Creative research suggests insights and creative appeals o Key academic areas of study o Key methods and sources o Hunt for the insight Lecture 18 Categorizing media o Typical categories Magazines newspapers tv radio outdoor internet etc Media planners use Not helpful for creative work o Creative work categories Not generally accepted by media planners how creators think about media Static media Messages that don t move Print outdoor non animated web Key characteristic static Key challenge convey the key message instantly Key techniques visual metaphor verbal visual synergy mediaconcept synergy o Visual metaphor unrealistic image Combination of different images Conveys a relevant surprise Conveys key message Best are understood instantly i e diet coke seal in cage cereal good for heart on demand orange juice bottle from tree not limited to print in our home domino video halo reach monument user generated o synergy creative interaction verbal visual synergy between headline and visuals women grow stronger through challenges as a Marine you can go anywhere if you ve got the right makeup Creative interaction between headline and picture Combination achieves more Synergy not redundancy Creative interaction sound and images i e apple computer ad creative interaction music and images o media concept synergy between chosen medium and creative concept Dynamic media Messages that move Video radio animated web banners Immersive media Messages that immerse you in an environment and an experience Web mobile out of home installations Know which category things to know Key characteristics and strengths Key creative challenges Key techniques to use Lecture 19 Parts and roles of a pitch o o o Headline thesis Primary benefit Or intriguing comment or question Subheadline optional Specify benefit Or clarify comment or answer question Body middle o Features Close end Restate thesis Call to action Suggestion for the viewer of ad what they should do next o Energizing a pitch o Unusual spokespeople o Unusual points of view The story o Emotive connotative dramatize o Structure Beginning stasis Problem occurs End stasis restored Characters plot Everything is perfect in the beginning of the story Middle stasis upset call us today Problem solved o Key
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