UGA ADPR 3100 - Test 1 Notes
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Behaviorism needs urges instincts we cannot control can be controlled by others Conditioning Classical conditioning Modifications of involuntary reflex responses Ivan Pavlov s dog saliva Behaviorist View of advertisers role Create stimuli to condition responses that benefit the product It is overt And also subliminal sexualize products to create desires among people who see the ad Theory of representation Symbolism isolated textual characteristic long cylindrical shape is phallic Behaviorism innate drives and urges can be conditioned to certain stimuli and in that sense advertising can be very powerful 2 Persuade you to buy Rationalism need and wishes individual known and controllable People are conscience and clearly know why they want to buy a product Make choices on rational self interest rational choice This is from the European enlightenment individual Rationalist view of advertisers role Deliver dependable truthful information about a product so the consumer can make rational decisions on if they want the product Denotation information is laid clearly for people to read Intrinsic information Reason why advertising 1880 s no pictures just information listing why you should buy the product nothing hidden You can deliver a rationalist ad in a clever way Rational choices people do what they do not based on urges they do it because of conscience rational choices Dependable information in ads is crucial for informed decisions Advertising is not very powerful they do not shape or force you to buy a product 3 Pressure you to buy Culturalism Born into and taught general ways of understanding the world Learn thoroughly at an early way socialization Assumed to be natural and commonsense Taken for granted because it is so natural Pressure Very often used in a negative sense Positive pressure is not something we want to get away from but something that we want to succeed to have friends good night s sleep formed by deep understandings that we learn at a very early age Home and health insurance not a description of the policies the biggest element is a picture young father with a stay at home wife and young daughter Good father provides for the family and protect is father He should consider insurance because it will help secure the health of his family so he will be a good father Representation Signification meaning not in the message rather made through associations textual connections or social connections that we learn and internalize the meaning of particular associations Associational meaning football pride vigor and energy UGA dog and associate it with former UGA dog in 60 s but with that means dog breeding shame obesity Jim Beam don t be in touch with your feminine side clingy girlfriends attitudes of women are cut across and re channeling and using it in so many ways Culturalism live in a sea od learned often taken for granted meanings Behaviorism cause conditioning symbolism theory of representation claim is very powerful Rationalism persuasion denotation not powerful Culturalism association pressure signification potentially powerful Notices and announcements Notices and announcements are part of what we consider advertising to be today it s been around forever and it s nothing new Change from medieval to modern In medieval times day to day things compared to today is vastly different Social status the sense that by your own personal effort you can make whatever you want to be in the world in the medieval world there is no sense of upward mobility The station you were born in is the station you will die into Today the feeling is that if you work hard enough and are smart enough you can be whatever you want to be Advertising today is helping you get ahead In medieval times if you made ads like that no one would believe them and they would not make sense Purpose of life in medieval times the purpose of life was to suffer to prepare yourself spiritually so that when you die you go to heaven Today it is treat yourself relax and enjoy life a little bit Advertising today has so many luxury appeals if these adds existed back in the medieval times they wouldn t make any sense Getting goods in medieval world there were 2 sources one source was themselves raise own food mate their animals if they needed something they couldn t make they would trade to get the goods they needed Today we go to the store and buy with credit cards everything we need we have to purchase Ads today are come and buy come and purchase in the medieval times if these ads were there they wouldn t make any sense There is an intimate connection between advertising and the times in which the ads operate The emergence of market society is the difference Advertising in early capitalism Storekeepers would pay for someone to print the ads and put the ads up for the keeper Even up through the 1800s there were still notices and announcements At this point there is an emerging problem production distribution consumption back to production Production 19th century the ability to make products became a lot easier instead of have a lot of people make the products they bought machines Production we got railroads financing the railroad system makes sense you can distribute a ton of stuff but how did you get people to buy more stuff The hope was to increase the needs of consumption advertisings central importance is that it has to be there it is essential It was the emergence of consumer society a society in which the primary needs to generate what you need is people buying stuff Persuasion notice and announcement messages paid for by merchants and industry that makes the messages advertising Consumer society people buying stuff they need We see the differences because people at the medieval didn t have disposable income and they grew all their own food Capitalism advertising Recorded human history notices and announcement Per and early capitalist societies paid notices and announcement Emergence of sonumer society meed and means for an advertising industry Advertising is a recent development Advertising is an integral part of a specific kind of society Rhetoric visual and narrative Is what people use to explain ideas to the public Public speaking uses rhetoric Allegorical images Images of cupid love and can t chose when to love Venus the human experience is a combination of the irrational and compulsive and also rational In order to function in society you have to manage limit your irrational to function in society Ad the water

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Test 1 Notes

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 12
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