TAMU INST 210 - ADHD part 2

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INST 210 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture II Defining ADHD III Discussion IV Characteristics of ADHD Outline of Current Lecture I Multimodal treatments II Errorless learning Current Lecture Hold each student to the same high standards and they will rise higher than we thought they would There are approximately 4 times as many boys as girls who have ADHD I II III Multimodal treatments a Always a much better idea to work on behavioral interventions so that student doesn t have to rely on medication their entire life Medication can be useful but is not always the best option Good to get through a rough spot but other coping strategies are very useful b If you do have kids who are taking medication for anything and you as their teacher notice a change in behavior it is very okay to contact the parents or doctor and ask to reevaluate the dosage of medication Errorless Learning a Tier 2 3 nonaversive b For what grade levels do you think you could use errorless learning more often used for people used with more involved disabilities or younger kids especially when you don t want students to learn the wrong thing We want to be very specific in teaching students Tell them what it is first so that we are helping students to learn facts This may be in high school but mostly factual information or in life skills classrooms Computer assisted instruction CAI a Tier 1 or 2 3 supplements instruction These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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TAMU INST 210 - ADHD part 2

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