ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Previous Lecture I Cost effectiveness II Media Planning III Development of outdoor advertising IV GRP Outline of Current Lecture I Newspaper strengths and limitations II Categories III Magazine strengths and limitations IV Rate Structure V Buying Current Lecture 1 5 of adults in country are regular newspaper readers Media planners concerned mostly with frequency cost impression use newspapers Newspaper strengths o high reach with older upscale opinion leaders o desirable target markets o very credible immediacy Newspaper drawbacks o Clutter o declining readership o increasing cost of advertising o challengers from online news aggregators Enhanced targeting o enhancing ability to segment markets o non subscriber supplements o free issues delivered to nonsubscribers These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o sections and special inserts o zoned editions Best uses o local retail o simple buying process o after buying decision is made o where to buy how much Categories o Classified most profitable o Display primarily local businesses supplemental for national o Co op Partnership local merchants lower costs national companies extend reach Magazine profile o low reach high frequency cost impression o drawbacks high cost clutter long lead time difficult to reach large audience segments o Strengths Segmenting strong visuals long life boost reach and frequency per issue high credibility seen as the most effective medium providing knowledge and usable ideas carries over into how ads are viewed 1 2 see ads as more credible than stories 2 3 bought product as advertised o Best use complete info supplemental o Creative flexibility of magazine ads Layout different papers you can use colors samples Rate structure o how often will you buy ads o more ads you buy less per sq in o o o o how big will the ad be How much space will you buy big ad less sq in how picky are you about where the ad appears less picky less you pay per sq in Buying o cost and number of readers aren t everything o effectiveness in reaching your target market Cost efficiency o compare media with different circulations and ad costs o cpm cost per thousand readers
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