ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Previous Lecture I Producer vs consumer paradigm II Hip consumerism III Sony Walkman IV Swatch Outline of Current Lecture I Advertising Campaign components II Strategic planning III Creative brief IV Competition V Target Markets Current Lecture Strategic Planning Campaign Components o 1 Objective goal of the campaign o 2 Strategy the plan overall plan for reaching the goal o 3 Tactic execution specific steps to deliver the strategy o all of these pieces are very closely related to each other mark of a good campaign Main focus the brand o Build maintain a valuable brand Not on the shelves These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Lives inside peoples heads Most important thing for advertisers to do it build and maintain this brand Association of a product Land rover o Luxury unreliable sporty Ugg boots o White girl ugly expensive Why brands are valuable o Differentiate products o Instant recognition Nike We don t have to be told what it is when we see the Nike swoosh instant recognition Strategic Planning Key Parts o Brands equity audit analysis What where is our brand now o Strategic options and rec How do we change our brand to achieve our goals o Brand equity research What specific aspects of the brand do we want to change o Creative brief What is our resulting plan of action Creative Brief o Single page that summarizes Product and its competitors What do we want the campaign to accomplish obj Who are we talking to target market What do they think now about the product or service current brand or positioning What do we want them to think about the product or service desired brand or positioning Why should they think this key features and benefits What is our message the one thing o Product Product life cycle Determines best kind of advertising o Stages Pioneering new and trying to establish itself Competitive stage competing for market share on shelves against competitors Retentive o Ex PCs 1980s IBM retentive stage command interface limited appeal advertising dry dull technical o Pioneering Stage Market objective Create the market Communicate objective Create awareness Identify need Apple super bowl commercial played once o Ads Competitive stage Marketing objective Increase sales and market share Communications objective Position Unique features Apple and PC commercial talking bad about PC compared to apple s computers o Ads Retentive stage Marketing objective Maintain market share and consumer loyalty Communications objectives Brand Highly visual Ex Apple air o Stage determined by market Pioneering New buyers first product in category Competitive Undecided buyers high competition Retentive Committed buyers dominant market share Competitors o All the forces that inhibit sales of a product o Direct same product category as your product i e AMC movie theatre vs Regal Movie theatre o Indirect not in the same product category i e Netflix vs AMC movie theatre Objectives o Marketing objectives What people do Sales go up and sales go down actions that people take o Communications objective What people think and believe what people think about a brand o Advertising Achieves a communications objective Communications objectives o o o 1 Awareness put it on the radar create awareness increase awareness 2 Branding target market s associations with the product brand rebrand changing some of the ways people think about the product service 3 Positioning on the target market views it in relation to competitors position reposition o None of these have to do with sales they all have to do with what people think Target Market o Market segmentation choosing a portion of the population who you are going to target in the campaign o Demographics outside something that you do not have to ask that person o Psychographics inside have to ask the person all personal questions o Market Profiles concrete description of who the target market is Target Market o Viewers of the Bravo Channel Most educated and riches people Will and Gracers Urban cosmopolitan women and best male gay friends PTA trendsetters Married women with children style trend watchers Features benefits o Feature a characteristic of the product o Benefit the good thing that is made possible by the feature o People don t buy features they buy benefits Not things but satisfaction of their wants and needs Not drill bits but holes o Don t sell me car insurance talk to me about o Don t sell me bricks tell me about Think about the benefit Created brief as a unified whole o Everything must fit together really tightly Market brand message Master Card o Target market Good revolvers aspire to lead rich lives o Current brand and positioning Generic card o Desired and positioning One I feel good using o Key message Mastercard helps you buy things that are important to you Market brand message Budget Rent A Car o Target market Savy shoppers get a charge out of finding a great deal o Current brand and positioning Best price o Desired brand and positioning Best value o Key message Budget provides the best value in rental cars Strategic planning o Advertising is the part of the iceberg you don t see o The strategic planning is all the behind the scenes work that is so crucial for all the work that has been done for this campaign o Markets constantly changing o Planning never stops Media Planning o Trends and planning o Strategy o Scheduling o Tactics
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