ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Previous Lecture I Creative vs Strategic research II Research in creative development Outline of Current Lecture I II III Effective advertising components Creative concept Process to build a creative concept Current Lecture Effective advertising o Insight into the target market o Focused accurate key message o Want to end with Memorable ethical exeuctions o Creative concept A bridge between message and execution Links the strategic basis that you start with to the ads that come out the other side Path to the final product Creative extension of key message How you say it matters Must have 3 things o Focused o Evocative Emotional depth Relate to deep important feelings Concept for hair coloring From Look Natrual to It lets me be me Xbox Halo Reach Gatorade Whats G o Relevant surprise Where the insight comes in These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Relevant the concept conveys something that the market already knows If the concept is only relevant o Info but not memorable Surprising needs to tell the target market what it doesn t already know If concept is only surprising o Catches attention but not memorable i e mountain dew ad Trek racing bicycles Current view o Help athletes ride harder and faster o Surprise o Train less Xbox Gears of War Current view o Shooting practice Surprise o Emotionally compelling story o Characters you care about o Different soundtrack Google Current view o Find information Surprise o Search helps you live your life search on Process Got Milk concept o Success on first try Harry Rosen o Came up with concept but client hated it so they had to trash the idea and come up with a new one
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