UW-Madison BOTANY 400 - Diversity and Evolution of Monocots

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Lilioids petaloid monocots Diversity and Evolution of Monocots orchids and palms Lilioids petaloid monocots 1 Terrestrial epiphytes Terrestrial epiphytes plants typically not aquatic 2 Geophytes Geophytes herbaceous above ground with below ground modified perennial stems bulbs corms rhizomes tubers 3 Tepals Tepals showy perianth in 2 series of 3 each usually all petaloid petaloid or outer series not green and sepal like with no bracts 4 main groups Acorales sister to all monocots Alismatids inc Aroids jack in the pulpit Lilioids lilies orchids yams grade non monophyletic petaloid Commelinoids Arecales palms Commelinales spiderwort Zingiberales banana Poales pineapple grasses sedges Asparagales Orchidaceae orchids finish the Asparagales by looking at the largest family the orchids Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids The family is diverse with about 880 genera and over 22 000 species mainly of the tropics Orchids are mycotrophic fungi dependent lilioids lilioids some are obligate mycotrophs Cypripedium acaule Stemless lady slipper Corallorhiza striata Striped coral root Dactylorhiza majalis protocorm Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Cosmopolitan but the majority of species are found in the tropics and subtropics ranging from sea level to almost 5000 m in nearly all environments except open water and true desert Ionopsis twig epiphyte Dendrobium branch epiphyte All orchids have a protocorm a feature restricted to the family structure formed after germination and before the development of the seedling plant has no radicle but instead mycotrophic tissue Survive in these epiphytic and other harsh environments via CAM photosynthesis velamen velamen and leaf tubers tubers in addition to mycorrhizal association Oncidium trunk epiphyte Habit varies from herb to vine but more than half of the species are epiphytic Orchid root velamen water storage leaf tubers water storage Orchidaceae orchids Specialized reproductive biology unusual pollination systems labellum petal for landing platform Bulbophyllum nocturnum Only totally night blooming orchid Fungal midge pollinated pollen masses reduced stamen number Ophrys numerous dust like seeds Perfume industry Eulaema euglossine Orchidaceae orchids A 2007 paper in Nature suggests that the orchid family is not recent but of late Cretaceous origin Orchidaceae orchids CA 3 COZ 2 1 A 3 2 1 G 3 6 tepals with labellum flower resupinate or upside down 3 or fewer stamens inferior gynoecium fused at top with stamens to form column capsule Orchidaceae orchids Five subfamilies 3 stamens 2 stamens 1 stamen Cryptocentrum Maxillaria Lycomormium Neomoorea Xylobium Lycaste Acineta Coryanthes Houlletia Stanhopea Bifrenaria Eriopsis Cryptarrhena Dichaea Zygopetalum Oncidium Catasetum Cyrtopodium Eulophia Ansellia Cymbidium Grammatophyllum Aerangis Diaphananthe Aeranthes Angraecum Neofinetia Phalaenopsis Cleisostoma Polystachya Aplectrum Earina Epidendrum Meiracyllium Cattleya Encyclia Arpophyllum Masdevallia Pleurothallis Restrepia Bletia Chysis Calypso Coelia Calanthe Phaius Eria Phreatia Arethusa Calopogon Bletilla Arundina Coelogyne Dendrochilum Glomera Thunia Cadetia Dendrobium Epigeneium Bulbophyllum Liparis Malaxis Corymborkis Tropidia Sobralia Epipactis Listera Cephalanthera Nervilia Xerorchis Monophyllorchis Megastylis latissima Megastylis rara Chiloglottis Aporostylis Thelymitra Cryptostylis Orthoceras Caladenia Corybas Microtis Aa Spiranthes Prescottia Goodyera Pristiglottis Pachyplectron Pterostylis Chloraea Galearis Platanthera Habenaria Disa Paphiopedilum Phragmipedium Selenipedium Cypripedium Vanilla imperialis Vanilla rosceri Vanilla barbellata Vanilla aphylla Vanilla africana Vanilla planifolia Vanilla inodora Erythrorchis altissima Erythrorchis cassythoides Pseudovanilla Cyrtosia Clematepistephium Eriaxis Epistephium sp 432 Epistephium sp 433 Epistephium parviflorum Epistephium lucidum Pogonia japonica Pogonia ophioglossoides Cleistes divaricata Isotria medeoloides Isotria verticillata Cleistes rosea Cleistes sp 2 Duckeella Neuwiedia Hypoxis Rhodohypoxis Curculigo Astelia Orchidaceae orchids Recent DNA studies by Ken Cameron show that vanilloid orchids diverged before the 2stamen slipper orchids thus 1 stamen orchids arose twice independently EPIDENDROIDEAE ORCHIDOIDEAE CYPRIPEDIOIDEAE VANILLOIDEAE APOSTASIOIDEAE Orchidaceae orchids Apostasioideae 2 genera Orchidaceae orchids Vanilloideae 3 stamens usually most primitive of orchids with nearly actinomorphic flowers Austral asian distribution The vanilloid orchids are a small tropical group of lianas that includes Vanilla Neuwiedia veratrifolia Vanilla Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Cypripedioideae 5 genera The lower petal is elaborated into the labellum the landing platform 2 stamens slipper slipper labellum Northern Hemisphere distribution Cypripedium acaule stemless lady lady s slipper Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Other lady lady s slippers Lady Lady s slippers have two functional stamens with pollen masses Deceptive pollination system for na na ve bumblebees Cypripedium acaule stemless lady lady s slipper Cypripedium arietinum Ram Ram s head lady lady s slipper threatened Cypripedium calceolus Yellow lady lady s slipper Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Cypripedium candidum white lady lady s slipper Threatened fen or calcareous soils Cypripedium reginae showy lady lady s slipper Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids All other orchids have only 1 functional stamen with one or two pollinia Paphiopedilum Non native bucket or slipper orchids Phragmipedium Mexipedium The stamen is situated on a column formed by fusion with the top of the inferior gynoecium Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Structure and position of pollinia and column allow for intricate and differential pollen placement on pollinators other floral parts labellum Orchidaceae orchids Epidendroideae The epidendroid orchids the largest group are predominantly epiphytes or lithophytes and include all the showy tropical genera other 2 petals 3 sepals one behind Orchidaceae orchids Orchidoideae The orchidoid orchids are mostly terrestrials with tubers or fleshy rhizomes and include most temperate orchids Arethusa bulbosa Dragon Dragon s mouth Orchidaceae orchids Aplectrum hyemale Putty root Adam and eve Orchidaceae orchids Orchidaceae orchids Calopogon tuberosus grass pink note the labellum on top Calypso bulbosa calypso orchid threatened Orchidaceae orchids Goodyera pubescens Rattlesnake

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UW-Madison BOTANY 400 - Diversity and Evolution of Monocots

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