Solid Liquid Gas Be sure to attend lab THIS week Water Chemistry Bring the lab manual Must pass lab to pass this class Instructors will give percent lab grade to one another http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm Three Phases of Water at Earth s Surface Liquid Solid Vapor Energy captured or released upon change from one phase to another Molecular Structure of Ice Solid Ice H2O s Ice Zumdahl Zumdahl DeCoste World of Chemistry 2002 page 455 http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm Gas Steam Liquid Water Water Molecule H2O l Water http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm Bent molecule Covalent bonds Polar Dissolves ionic substances H2O g Steam http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm 1 Properties of Water Solid water floats on liquid water High surface tension Universal solvent High specific heat High heat of vaporization In liquid phase the water molecules fit closely together Polar nature allows them to attract one another Liquid water molecules High Surface Tension http www webelements com nexus node 786 http quest nasa gov space teachers microgravity 6surf html http www chemlin net news 2007 mar2007 water htm Dissolution of ionic substance Water Molecule Water Expansion Bent Polar http www elmhurst edu chm vchembook 122densityice html Water Expansion Crystal structure of ice Molecule shape fit together closer in liquid Open structured crystal due to hydrogen bonding of polar molecules upon freezing Three phases of water http www its caltech edu atomic snowcrystals primer primer htm In solid phase of water arrangement becomes more open less dense Ice floats because of this Expansion of 9 upon freezing http www cdli ca CITE glaciers htm 2 Gas Solid and Liquid Water phases and molecules Evaporation Kinetic energy of molecules great enough to escape surface Energy is taken from liquid cools it Gaseous phase or vapor phase Zumdahl Zumdahl DeCoste World of Chemistry 2002 page 441 http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm Gas Steam Water vapor Boiling H2O g Steam http www unit5 org christjs Matter 20and 20Energy Unit 202 20PP files frame htm Boiling http www deepseaimages com dsilibrary showphoto php photo 2912 password sort 1 size medium cat 853 page 1 http en wikipedia org wiki Water vapor Microscopic boiling http www chem purdue edu gchelp liquids boil2 html http www chem purdue edu gchelp liquids boil2 html Boiling Temp vs Pressure http www chem purdue edu gchelp liquids boil2 html 3 Pressure Cooker Pressure canner Boiling at less than 100 o C Pour in hot water Reduce Pressure with syringe http www micrecol de air2 html http www goodmans net get item ma 6qt maitres 806212 6 qt cooker htm Evaporation or Not http www geology sdsu edu classes geol351 01watercycle watercyclefigs htm http hgic clemson edu factsheets HGIC3020 htm Condensation Condensation on Glass Opposite of evaporation Kinetic energy of molecules running into surface of liquid and joining it Heats environment Air inside glass become saturated with water and no more water can evaporate from the surface Outside glass is open system that is not saturated Atmosphere Evaporation Energy goes into air Cools remaining water Condensation Energy goes from air to surface Warms local environment http www geology sdsu edu classes geol351 01watercycle watercyclefigs htm Atmosphere Water Vapor Capacity Warm air has greater capacity for holding water in the vapor phase Saturation at capacity Relative Humidity percent of water contained compared to saturated amount at that temperature http www wdtv com weather images Weather Review humidity htm 4 Condensation http observe arc nasa gov nasa earth hydrocycle graphics condensation jpg Coastal fog Condensation diagram http weatherstreet com weatherquestions What is condensation htm Sea Fog http www anythingmarine co uk anything met htm Temperature Energy of Water Phase Change Calorie energy to change 1 g water 1 K or 1 oC Also need energy to change to different state of matter Energy of vaporization condensation 540 calories per gram of water 2256 J g Energy of melting freezing 80 calories per gram 334 J g Measure of hotness Celsius 0o freezing point of pure water at standard pressure 100o boiling point at standard pressure Fahrenheit 0o was lowest attained 32 was his age when he performed experiments 212 is boiling point in those increments http www victoriaweather ca clouds php image fog Temperature Convert with equations Order of operations Parentheses first Then multiply or divide Add or subtract last Or use adjacent scales such as p 142 of Conceptual Physical Science textbook 5 C F 32 9 9 F C 32 5 Temperature Kelvin same size as degree Celsius Absolute Zero is 0 K notice no degree symbol on K 0o C 273 K Molecular motion ceases at absolute zero Be sure to attend lab this week Bring the lab manual Must pass lab to pass this class Instructors will give percent lab grade to one another 5
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