BIOL 111 301 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I How do you get energy from Redox reactions I II III IV How do you systematically remove e Catabolic pathways yield energy Overview Of Cellular Respiration Glycolysis Outline of Current Lecture I Review quiz II Glycolysis III Junction Reactions IV Overview of the citric acid cycle V Mitochondrial structure VI VII Oxidative phosphorylation How much energy ATP was harvest4ed from glucose Current Lecture Review quiz o What do you need to remove pairs of e o What are the net products of glycolysis o Name 3 enzymes and 4 substrates you need to know from glycolysis Enzymes hydrogenase isomenase pysomerase Substrates glucose pyruvate G3P DHAP Glycolysis o Dehydrogenase enzyme that removes hydrogens to NAD Junction Reactions o With oxygen pyruvate transported to mitochondria matrix o Enzyme complex pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyzes Decarboxylation of pyruvate lose one carbon dioxide 2 C compound oxidized to form acetate 2e NADH Acetate binds to coenzyme A acetyl CoA Overview of the citric acid cycle o What does cycle mean Starts at one place and ends at the same place that it began o What it the carbon input Output follow pink blue C For one molecule of glucose there will be 2 citric acid cycles o Addition phase 2C 4C 6C Acetyl CoA oxaloacetate citrate o Removal phase Loss of 2C to 2CO2 decarboxylation 2 pair e removed to 2 NADH dehydrogenase o Regeneration phase CoA displaced by Pi Pi removed to GTP then ATP substrate level phosphorylation One pair e removed to FADH2 dehydrogenase One pair e removed to NADH dehydrogenase Mitochondrial structure Oxidative phosphorylation o Electron transport chain Located in inner mitochondrial membrane Composed of 4 multiprotein complexes With cofactors Fe S complex OR heme Fe groups E transferred to cofactors via series of redox reactions O2 final e acceptor H20 Overall drop in delta G from NADH to 53 kcal mol and FADH2 to about 40 kcal mol Many poisons toxins target these proteins o Chemiosmosis Flow of H form hi low used to drive cell work H pumped from mito matrix to intermembrane space by transmembrane proteins of e transport chain Creates potential energy o ATP synthase Power by H gradient Multiple proteins stator channel rotor rod knob H flow thru stator and rotor turns rod activates catalytic sites on knob ATP formed How much energy ATP was harvest4ed from glucose o Given yields NADH 2 5 ATP FADH2 1 5 ATP o Glycolysis 2 ATP invest 4 ATP produce 2 ATP 2 NADH X 2 5 ATP NADH 5 ATP o Junction reactions 2 pyruvate X 1 NADH X 2 5 ATP NADH 5 ATP oxidative o Citric Acid Cycle 2 pyruvate X 1 ATP 2 ATP substrate 2 pyruvate X 3 NADH X 2 5 ATP NADH 15 ATP oxidative 2 pyruvate X 1 FADH2 X 1 5 ATP FADH2 3 ATP oxidative Total ATP harvested is 32 ATP
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