UGA BIOL 1107 - Amino Acids, Protein Assembly and Different Structures of Proteins
Type Lecture Note
Pages 5

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BIOL 1107 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Nucleic Acid Structure II Lipids III Triglycerides IV Phospholipids V Sterols VI Proteins Outline of Current Lecture I II III Amino Acids Protein Assembly Different Structures of Protein Current Lecture I Amino Acids How to determine what category polar nonpolar etc amino acids belong to You look at the R group side chain and categorize accordingly Ionization status of amino and carboxyl groups are dependent on pH Amino acids are classified according to their R group as mentioned above 20 amino acids used in body don t need to know all of them Here are a few Arginine charged basic Alanine nonpolar methyl Cysteine nonpolar thiol Glycine nonpolar two hydrogen atoms Phenylalanine nonpolar II Protein Assembly Dehydration condensation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Two groups used in protein assembly carboxyl amine join them two and take out the water Two ends of proteins N termins amino C termins carboxy 20 amino acids don t need to know all III Different Structures of Protein Primary secondary tertiary quaternary Primary amino acid structure Secondary alpha and beta sheets Tertiary interactions of the side chains Quaternary more than one amino acid chain Tetranary does not exist

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UGA BIOL 1107 - Amino Acids, Protein Assembly and Different Structures of Proteins

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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