Pitt BIOSC 0150 - Photosynthesis
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BIO 150 1nd Edition Lecture 34 Outline of Last Lecture I Photosynthesis II Harvesting Energy Outline of Current Lecture II Photosynthesis Current Lecture Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast Light capturing reactions take place in the thylakoid membrane Chlorophyll will absorb all wavelengths except for green green will be reflected of o Accessory pigments expand the wavelength range that can be used Absorption of a photon will excite an electron in the chlorophyll o Diferent wavelength lights excite diferent amounts of photon energy sources Red light excites to a high level energy state Blue light excites to a higher level energy state Green light in between the two will not emit energy Antenna complex will emit energy to the reaction center o The energy will be funneled to the reaction center chlorophyll activating it making it a great reducing agent Chlorophyll passes an electron to an electron acceptor Pheophytin Chlorophyll can be reduced o H2O will be split by oxygen evolving complex this occurs within photosynthesis 2 o H2O donates electrons to CHL and this is the source of oxygen in the generation of gas Electrons are transferred from the pheophytin through and electron transport chain o Energy released from exergonic electron transfers is used to generate a proton gradient o The proton gradient allows ATP synthesis through phosphorylation reactions Photons can be absorbed by the antenna complex and energy transfers will occur to the reaction center chlorophyll allowing the oxidation reactions to occur These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Photosynthesis confers autotrophy to plants Carbon dioxide used to build carbon skeletons giving a source of oxygen Water source of electrons protons in light reactions Phosphate to generate ATP build nucleotides etc Sulfate to generate amino acids NH4 to generate amino acids nucleic acids Minerals iron magnesium copper etc

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Pitt BIOSC 0150 - Photosynthesis

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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