Pitt BIOSC 0150 - Final Exam Study Guide
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BIOSC 150 1nd Edition Final Exam Lectures 26 34 Which complexes in the ETC span the membrane Complexes 1 3 and 4 What is the body s primary fuel source Glucose What can fatty acids be stored as Triglycerides Where is this compound stored in humans Adipose cells Where does pyruvate processing take place Mitochondrial matrix An aspartic acid at the active site of Rubisco is critical for enzyme function Given that Rubisco functions at pH 8 and the pK for the aspartic acid side chain is 3 9 which form protonated or deprotonated of aspartic acid is likely required for optimal activity Deprotonated since the pH is higher than the pKa Electrons are transferred from Complexes 1 and 2 to what non protein electron carrier Ubiquinone coenzyme Q During the oxidation of glucose what bonds are broken what bonds are formed Why does this process release energy Carbon Hydrogen bonds will be broken and in turn Carbon Oxygen bonds are formed C H bonds are high in potential energy and will therefore release energy Why do humans store more energy in the form of glycogen rather than fat 2 1 Fat has a greater yield of energy per gram than glycogen 2 Fat is non polar Are oxidation reactions exergonic or endergonic Exergonic the release energy with the release of electrons How do the functions of phosphorylase and amylase differ 1 Phosphorylase cleaves glycogen 2 Amylase cleaves starch What is an energy source that is released from glucose during respiration but not incorporated into ATP bonds Heat When glucose undergoes glycolysis what products are formed Two ATP two NADH two pyruvate How is the enzyme E1 regulated in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex Phosphorylation When electrons are at FADH2 where are they transferred to next Complex 2 Enzymes can be reversed with the use of certain modifications what are they 1 Phosphorylation dephosphorylation 2 Allosteric Regulation 3 Competitive Inhibition Other enzymes are unable to be reversed what are they 1 2 3 4 Denaturing of the protein Cleavage of peptide bonds Alteration of the pH Change in the temperature Why is the reduction of NAD and FAD a pivotal step is ATP synthesis Both enzymes produce energy in the form of ATP due to their high potential energy they allow for a proton gradient which can assist in ATP synthase Where does fermentation occur The cytosol Why does fermentation occur It is important for the generation of NAD when oxygen is not present Why is the hydrolysis of COA important It provides energy for unfavorable reactions in the CAC delta g has a net yield of 8 kcal per mol What is glucose stored as Glycogen Where is glucose glycogen compound stored in the human body Liver and muscle Photosynthesis the process where light energy is used to generate sugars from simple starting materials water and carbon dioxide During the process oxygen is generated which is used for cellular respiration Water enters plants through the roots Carbon dioxide and Oxygen enter and exit the plant through leaf openings the stomata Photosynthetic organisms are autotrophs they harness light energy to reduce carbon dioxide and generate 6C sugars which will be used to generate different types of macromolecules which can then in turn be metabolized to derive energy Light reactions of photosynthesis take place on the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts Electron carriers transform energy in a photon of light into potential energy in ATP and NADPH

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