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POLI SCI 3 CHAPTERS 8 12 Chapter 8 Vocab 1 Bottom up democratic transition One in which the people rise up to overthrow an authoritarian regime in a popular revolution 2 Collective Action The pursuit of some objective by groups of individuals Typically the objective is some form of public good 3 Free Rider Problem Individual members of a group often have little incentive to contribute to the provision of a public good that will benefit all members of the group 4 Complete information game One in which each player knows all the information that there is to know about the game 5 Expected Payoff The sum of the payoffs associated with each outcome multiplied by the probability with which each outcome occurs 6 Glasnost a reform policy aimed at increasing political openness 7 Incomplete information game One in which a player does not know all of the relevant information about some other player s characteristics 8 Information Set A dashed line connecting the choice nodes where the uncertain player has to make a choice it indicates that the player does not know which of the connected choice nodes she is when choosing 9 Nonexcludability you cannot exclude people from enjoying the public good 10 Nonrivalry There is just as much public good for people to enjoy no matter how many people consume it 11 Perestroika economic restructuring a reform policy aimed at liberalizing and regenerating the Soviet economy Glasnost or openness was a reform policy aimed at increasing political openness 12 Policy of Liberalization Entails a controlled opening of the political space and might include the formation of political parties holding elections writing a constitution establishing a judiciary opening a legislature and so on 13 Preference falsification Not revealing one s true preferences in public 14 Public Good Nonexcludable and nonrivalrous You cannot exclue people from enjoying this public good and there is just as much public good for people to enjoy no matter how many people consume it 15 Revolutionary Cascade When one person s participation triggers the participation of another which triggers the participation of another and so on 16 Revolutionary threshold The size of the protest at which an individual is willing to participate 17 3rd wave of democratization 18 Top Down democratic transition One in which the dictatorial ruling elite introduces liberalizing reforms that ultimately lead to a democratic transition Chapter 9 Vocab 1 Structural Dependence of the state on capital A theory suggesting that capitalists have a veto over state policies in that their failure to invest at adequate levels can create major problems for the state managers Chapter 10 1 Civilian Dictatorship dictatorships that aren t monarchies or military dictatorships 2 Competitive Authoritarian Regime one in which the leader s party routinely wins with overwhelming majorities 3 Corruption when public officials take illegal payments bribes in exchange for providing benefits for particular individuals 4 Dictator s dilemma he relies on repression to stay in power but this repression creates incentives for everyone to falsify their preferences so that the dictator never knows his true level of societal support 5 Disenfranchised Those residents who do not have the legal right to participate in choosing the government 6 Dominant party dictatorship One in which a single party dominates access to political office and control over policy though other parties may exist and compete in elections 7 Electoral Authoritarian Regime one in which leaders hold elections and tolerate some pluralism and interparty competition but violate minimal democratic norms so severely and systematically that it makes sense to clarify them as democracies 8 Hegemonic Electoral Regime one in which the leader s party routinely wins with overwhelming majorities 9 Kleptocracy Corruption is organized by political leaders with the goal of personal enrichment 10 Loyalty Norm It s strength is determined by W S the probability that a member of the selectorate will be in the winning coalition Members of the winning coalition are most loyal when W S is small and least loyal when W S is large 11 Monarchy An autocracy in which the executive comes to and maintains power on the basis of family and kin networks 12 Military Dictatorship An autocracy in which the executive relies on the armed forces to come to and stay in power 13 Personalistic Dictatorship One in which the leader although often supported by a party or the military retains personal control of policy decisions and the selection of regime personnel 14 Politically closed authoritarian regimes No opposition party is granted a legal space in the political area 15 Selectorate the set of people who can play a role in selecting the leader 16 Selectorate Theory Characterizes all governments by their location in a two dimensional institutional space One dimension is the size of the selectorate and the second dimension is the size of the winning coalition 17 Winning Coalition Those people whose support is necessary for the leader to stay In power Chapter 11 Vocab 1 Arrow s theorem States that every decision making process that we could possibly design must sacrifice at least one of Arrow s fairness conditions nondictatorship universal admissibility unanimity or independence from irrelevant alternatives if it is to guarantee group transitivity and hence stable outcomes 2 Chaos theorem states that if there are two or more issue dimensions and three or more voters with preferences in the issue space who all vote sincerely then except in the case of a rare distribution of ideal points there will be no Condorcet winner 3 Complete Preference Ordering If someone can compare each pair of elements call them x and y in a set of outcomes in one of the following ways either the actor prefers x to y or y to x or she is indifferent between them 4 Condorcet s paradox illustrates that a group composed of individuals with rational preferences does not necessarily have rational preferences as a collectivity individual rationality is not sufficient to ensure group rationality 5 Condorcet winner if an option beats all other options in a series of pair wise contests 6 Cosequentialist ethics evaluate actions policies or institutions in regard to the outcomes they produce 7 Deontological Ethics Evaluate the intrinsic value of actions policies or institutions in light of the rights duties or obligations of the individuals involved 8 Independence

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