INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY 111 Biology the scientific study of life Question on first exam We are not sure how life began on the planet Water liquid atmosphere right distance from the sun gravity and the moon help keep us in a stable orbit all contribute to allow life on the Earth Core theme of biology evolution is the process of change that has transformed life on Earth which explains the diversity and the unity of life Tenets of the Living The Big Seven o Cellular o Different levels of organization o Use energy o Respond to the environment react to stimuli o Grow in some form of cellular division o Reproduce Asexually sexually o Adapt evolve variation of individuals is important for a species An organism s adaptations to its environment are the result of evolution Ex The seeds of the dandelion are moved by wind due to their parachute like structures 5 unifying themes of Biology Reductionism Reduction of complex systems into smaller components o Organization o Information DNA o Energy and matter o Interactions o Evolution for studying o The biosphere o Ecosystems o Communities o Populations o Organisms o Organs Organ systems o Tissues o Cells o Organelles Emergent properties result from the arrangement and interaction of parts within a system Ex A bike only functions when all the parts work together Ex The parts in a chloroplast must be arranged in a certain way for photosynthesis to work cannot be placed into a tube Form and function is key What is meant by nature is not teleological Smallest unit of life cell which is enclosed by a membrane that regulates passage of materials between the cell and its environment Eukaryotic cell membrane enclosed organelles the largest of which is usually the nucleus Prokaryotic Cell simpler and usually smaller and does not contain a nucleus or other membrane enclosed organelles Evolved before the true nucleus Both have a cell membrane Chromosomes contain genetic material in the form of DNA deoxyribonucleic acid thousands of genes the cell Each chromosome has one long DNA molecule with hundreds or Genes encode information for building the molecules synthesized within Genes are the units of inheritance DNA controls the development and maintenance or organisms Blueprint for making proteins DNA is two strands arranged in a double helix with Adenine Thymine 2 Rosaline Franklin discovered DNA 1800s but the double helix was bonds and G C 3 bonds discovered in 1953 Transcription DNA mRNA Translation mRNA amino acids for proteins Gene expression is the process of converting information from gene to cellular product WHAT DOES DNA STAND FOR DOES DNA EXISIT IN EVERY ORGANISM YES Genome an organism s entire set of genetic instructions Humans are terrible models for evolution Proteomes are well bigger than our genome Bioinformatics new technologically new data more explanations We found evidence to support not we found proof G H T S o Take in sun s energy and give it off as heat o H entropy o T temperature Kelvins o G free energy o S state of disorder Nature does not have a plan or motive it just does Interactions between things are random and just occur Humans propose their own order and use ATP energy to do this Only a small portion of the biomass has a sense of feeling Applying features to humans is not going to be the same for all things living and or nonliving Brain runs exclusively on glucose Glucagon adrenaline growth and cortisol hormones raise blood sugar Insulin lowers blood sugar The body is more concerned with low blood sugar because there are four hormones to fix it Detecting the problem stimulus is only part of the problem fixing the problem stimulus is the key A species is a group that can reproduce have the same number of chromosomes WILL NEED TO KNOW TAXONOMY FOR EXAM 1 o WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS THE MOST INCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE WHICH IS BETWEEN ORDER AND PHYLUM o Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species o Classified by the sequence of DNA to figure out who evolved from who Three Domains o Archea prokaryotic o Bacteria prokaryotic o Eukarya eukaryotic o Similarities Have cell membranes cytosol ribosomes make proteins 80S ribosomes for eukarya 70S ribosomes for bacteria DNA Some bacteria have flagella and only sperm cells in humans also have flagella Bacteria do not have 9x2 tubules surrounding the flagella Darwin begins to realize there are too many of them and there are some that have advantages and the ones with the advantages are the one passing on the traits Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organization including species individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins o Darwin The environment selects for the propagation of beneficial traits natural selection o Darwin did not say anything about survival of the fittest That was someone else s theory that meant those whom adapt the fastest are in better shape to survive Spencer Homologous structures human s arm bat s wing whale s flipper Cladogram shows the relationship between different members of a species due to evolution Fundamental component of science make hypotheses and test them to gather data Create questions and solve problems One time does not make a pattern If it s not repeatable and or there is no data to support it it s worth nothing Technology is used to solve problems and answer questions definition of science CHAPTER 2 THE CHEMICAL CONTEXT OF LIFE The difference between mass and weight is the function of gravity My mass is the same on the moon but my weight is not Trace elements are those required by an organism in only minute quantities There are only 20 naturally occurring amino acids An atom is the smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an If it has carbon in it it s organic element We choose to focus on only 3 o Protons o Electrons stay in an orbit because electrons are negative and protons are positive and they attract each other o Neutrons Isotopes are two atoms of an element that differ in number of neutrons Radioactive isotopes decay spontaneously giving off particles and energy and might bump into our DNA and result in a mutation Possible vs probable Energy is the capacity to cause change Potential energy is the energy that matters has because of its location or structure Black absorbs the most heat energy while white reflects the most heat Radioactive decay is the
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