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CPO 2002 Final Exam Study Guide Based on the Practice Test District Magnitude The number of representatives elected from a certain constituency For example the district magnitude of the US Senate is 2 as there s 2 senators from every state Majoritarian Candidates or parties with the most votes win Proportional Representation Divisions of the electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body For example if 30 of voters support a party that party will get 30 of the available seats Option that gets one more vote than 50 of the votes Election where the candidate with the largest number of votes not necessarily majority wins Voting based on preference ordering For example if you support the Green Party you will vote for them even if they may not win Voting for the second strongest option in order to beat the likely winner For example voting Republican when Democrats are winning even if you support Green Party Single Non Transferrable Vote Top contenders based on District Magnitude get seats Absolute Majority Plurality Sincere Voting Strategic Voting Party Block Vote Qualified Majority Similar to plurality but majority group gets all seats resulting in landslide Option that must get greater than 50 for a supermajority Voters vote more than once based on number of sets of elected officials For example US voters vote for legislature as well as presidency A specific amount of votes for election are needed Each party assigned seats per number of votes Larger than Droop Quota less efficient Single transferrable vote usually smaller than Hare Highest averages method Party List PR Highest quotient method Party List PR Electoral Tier Quota Divisor Hare Quota Droop Quota D Hondt Sainte Lague Open Party List Closed Party List Party Discipline Voters have some influence on order in which candidates are elected for each party Only party leaders choose candidates elected for each party Ability of a party to get its members to support party policies Strongest with closed list Cross Cutting Cleavage Attribute Overlap among groups Reinforcing Cleavage One attribute reinforces another For example the division of language reinforces the division of race Polarizing Cleavage Attribute pulls group away from others Minimal Winning Coalition Oversized Coalition Connected Coalition Contains the smallest number of parties to secure a majority Contains more parties than minimum winning coalition Contains parties near each other on ideological spectrum First Past The Post Majoritarian First to highest number not necessarily a majority of votes than others Winset Set of alternatives that can defeat the status quo Small Winset Stability Large Winset Less Stability Consensus Democracy Takes minority opinions broadest range of opinions are accounted Representatives match preferences of voters Representatives respond to changes of voter preferences Preference made after assessing candidate performance Preference made based on party stance on issues Congruence Responsiveness Retrospective Voting Prospective Voting Leftist Rightist Democrat Republican Collective Action Problem Multiple individuals would benefit but nobody can pay alone users must collaborate Condorcet s Paradox Common Pool Resource Problem Open Source Problem Consociationalism Collective preference can be cyclic even if individual preferences are not Because they are subtractable they can be overused unlike pure public goods Resource can be depleted because of common ownership tragedy of the commons Synonymous with power sharing Large divisions among people but no group is large enough for a majority Society remains stable Confessionalism Distributing power among religious communities Ethnic Outbidding Accountability Politicization of ethnic divisions Representatives being held responsible for their actions by constituency

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FSU CPO 2002 - Final Exam

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