Meteorology Final Exam Study Guide 04 30 2015 Chapter 1 Earth and its Atmosphere What are the basic atmosphere constituents of the earth s atmosphere o Mixture of several different gases Permanent gases nitrogen oxygen argon Vast majority of atmosphere is Nitrogen 78 and oxygen 21 Variable gases water vapor carbon dioxide ozone What is density pressure gravity o Density mass volume o Pressure force area o Gravity What are the phases that water moves through solid liquid gas o Water vapor one of the most important gases in our atmosphere The invisible gaseous form of water It is the only substance that exists in all 3 phases o Terms to remember Condensation water vapor liquid water Evaporation Liquid Water water vapor Precipitation a collective term for falling rain snow or ice Verga rain that falls but does not touch the ground What is a greenhouse gas o a greenhouse gas is an atmospheric gas which absorbs some of the outgoing radiation emitted from Earth The atmospheric greenhouse gases occurs because water vapor CO2 and other GG are selective absorbers What does the vertical structure of the atmosphere look like o Troposphere Tropopause stratosphere Stratopause meso sphere Mesopause thermosphere We can think of atmospheric pressure as the weight force of air above us per unit area o The vast majority of the ozone is located in stratosphere o What is a lapse rate Lapse rate the rate at which the air temperature decreases with height o How does temperature change with height When temperature increases with height it is called a temperature inversion Lapse rate is positive when temperature decreases with height and negative when temperature increases with height Chapter 2 Energy Warming the Earth and the Atmosphere What is heat o Heat Energy in the process of being transferred from one object to another because of the temperature difference between them How does heat relate to energy potential kinetic and temperature substance o Temperature a measure of the average kinetic energy of a The more kinetic energy something has the more heat is transferred from it thus the greater the temperature What are the different types of heat o Specific heat the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree Celsius o Latent heat the heat energy required to change a substance from state to another What is heat transfer o Heat transfer the exchange of thermal energy What is conduction convection and radiation o Conduction the transfer of heat by molecular activity from one substance to another or through a substance The transfer is from warm cold o Convection the transfer of heat by the mass movement of a fluid such as water or air o Radiation energy propagated in the form of electromagnetic waves What is electromagnetic radiation o Electromagnetic radiation All objects that have a temperature above zero kelvin you your car the sun the earth the atmosphere emit radiation All of these things emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves What does the EMR spectrum look like o Radio waves microwaves infrared visible light ultra violet x rays gamma rays What is the radiative equilibrium o Radiative equilibrium rate of energy absorbed from the sun equals the rate of energy emitted from the earth What is a greenhouse effect o Greenhouse effect Certain gases in the atmosphere the air around the earth entrap infrared radiation What is albedo given surface o Albedo the percentage of radiation that is reflected from a Chapter 3 Seasonal and Daily Temperatures What determines the seasons o The earth s tilted axis of rotation When do the solstices and equinoxes roughly occur o June 21 Northern Hemisphere NH summer solstice Southern Hemisphere SH winter solstice o September 22 NH autumnal fall equinox SH vernal spring equinox o o December 21 NH Winter solstice SH summer solstice What might be Earth s response to a greater axial tilt What is the earth s temperature response to the seasons o The earth s elliptical orbit around the sun determine What is radiational cooling o Each evening the amount of energy emitted by the earth exceeds the amount of incoming solar radiation insolation and the temperatures at the earth s surface begin to cool What is a temperature inversion o Since the atmosphere is a poor conductor of heat the ground cools faster than the atmosphere Therefore in the near surface layer temperature increases with height and we have a temperature inversion What does the daily temperature cycle look like o Daily temp cycle the minimum daily temperature usually occurs in the early morning o Daily temp cycle after the daily minimum temperatures then steadily rise through the afternoon hours until it reaches maximum temperature o Daily temp cycle after the maximum temperature then the temperatures will be on a steady decline until the minimum temperature in the early morning o The daily temperature cycle looks like a mountain peak if its clear or like a hill if it s a cloudy What helps determine daily regional annual temperature variations o Length of the night day and location What helps determine minimum maximum temperature o Mean average daily temperature o Daily diurnal range of temperature Chapter 4 Atmospheric Moisture What is saturation The condition of equilibrium o Saturation the condition where the rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation o Condition of equilibrium there is no net gain or loss of water vapor or liquid molecules What are condensation nuclei o Condensation nuclei Particles in the atmosphere onto which water vapor can condense examples dust salt What is humidity What are the different types of humidity o Humidity a general term that describes the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere o Absolute humidity the mass of water vapor in a given volume of air o Specific humidity the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of all the air in the parcel o Relative humidity RH the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually in the air to the maximum amount of water vapor actually in the air at that particular temperature and pressure o How does one raise or lower humidity Increasing water vapor content higher RH Decreasing water vapor content lower RH Decreasing temperature higher RH Increasing temperature lower RH What is vapor pressure Saturation vapor pressure o Vapor pressure The partial pressure of water vapor o Saturation vapor pressure the pressure that the water vapor molecules would exert if the air were saturated
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